
As others have said, this is the wrong tone and start to a "fun" movie. Also, it makes it seem like they lost, so we are going into the movie thinking they lost, but they actually...won? Interesting as a side scene but glad it didn't get into the final cut.

Lithe and flowing exterior - I like the new Mazda corporate face, but anything after the LOLz of the previous gens would be an improvement. I can already see though that this rear end will be the norm for this generation of cars. The new Lexuses (Lexi?) all have this shape of taillight as well.

I get that you guys are proud of your new comment system, but could you stop trying to make "Kinja" happen? It's cute you guys have a nickname for it, but just call it "comments section" when you refer to it.

Can't cook all the time, yo.

House would have marveled at the giant, belittled the woman (literally) and insulted his team, while they ran unnecessary tests, taken sides in whatever scheme House was running that week, and made 3-4 false diagnoses leading to more tests, until 40 min later, House's lightbulb goes off while Wilson talks about his

At around the :50 mark she goes into a bit of her US driving history with the police - from what I can make out, one was due to speeding and another because she fell asleep and hit a tree. I can't make anything else out, she's got some bad case of Valley Girl Vocal Fry - Chinese Edition going on.

It almost looks photoshopped, doesn't it? Especially around the van in the lower right. But unfortunately it's as real as it gets.

Good thing Lwaxana as a recurring character didn't happen. How many TNG characters had to come on the show? I get that they had to attract viewers who may have migrated away from Picard and co but it was getting ridiculous.

This is ruining my childhood memories!!! Hilarious

That's freaking AWESOME. I love how it fits exactly with how those Mentos commercials used to run.

That's precisely what attracts me to apocalyptic stories as well - and whether it's possible to be both moral and a survivor. I think every post-apocalyptic story deals with this directly or indirectly, and it makes me think what would happen if everything shut down in real life.

Probably the most important part of the movie.

That's a plot hole in and of itself - no transactions made the day the exchange was hit by a terrorist attack would be valid, and at best would all be re-scrutinized for validity

Well, there will be people who actually do piece it together, like the suit from the 2nd movie who is intimidated into keeping quiet. But honestly, while one would suspect it could be Wayne, he's just a playboy jackass so no one would think it was possible. That's like finding out The Situation was on Seal Team 6,

I'm with you - this movie didn't know whether it was serious or corny. The redesign looked awesome and Elba was great but otherwise, it's just Cage overacting for 90 min yet again.

I'd erased that movie from my memory...still remember how cool the cardboard theater stand-ups were of Ecks and Sever. But then, oh god what a terrible movie *shudder

Serious question: with a Nissan frame, Chevy V8 and an Eclipse shell, what the hell do you register it as with the DMV?

Yo dawg, I heard you like curses...

You win sir...if ever there was a pictorial definition of "what is this I don't even"

Well...that's really up to her.