
Yea, I had a bunch, I think they were Micro Machines? With the separating saucer section on the E-D as well. Damnit now I have to go home and find them.

Not if you modulate your...blade...frequencies...yep

It's a first impression thing, I think. You have to have lived with it, like you have. First time I sat in a 2010 I was like "do not want", but I overcame that quickly and bought one. Visibility is fine, and if you adjust your mirrors well you shouldn't have any problems. I wanted to see the haunches on this ass

Man do I love the new Charger. My 2011 R/T has the stock chrome grill and wheels but if I had to do it again, would get Blacktop for sure.

Ari needs his own show. I like how it's already written on the whiteboard, yet he still needs to demonstrate it.

I like #5. I also like "numpty", will start to use this word regularly, thank you.

Apropos. I love this Nic Cage psycho picture.

*climbs soapbox*

What an awesome movie. "Not without incident..."

Seeing as they filmed this in and around Detroit MI, I feel a certain tie-in with a nearby university team should be made.

I know this article is focusing on what this means for the future of cybernetics, but I really hate the fact that he is allowed in the Olympics. Nothing against the insurmountable odds which he has had to face to reach this point, which I admire, but when you have to start analyzing so many variables to ensure that

I remember the Spot in Santa Cruz blew my mind when I first went. I'm still not convinced it's not magic, or aliens.

Also, since when did the companion cube get so big?

His injury is that he's John Madden.

Still? After a 5000+ yd 40+ TD season, filled with big hits? I think that tag is officially off him

Did that Chevelle concert last Sunday finally make me deaf? I think the voice acting is terrific, all except for Yin Yang (sigh)

Who is that, Kaiden? My Shep was a straight up lesbo, chicks or GTFO. Kaiden didn't make it past the ME2 interactive comic.

Yea, I read (I think on io9) the distinct breakdown of muscle groups which are substituted which doesn't show a distinct advantage, but it's a massive gray area - there's too many variables to allow if this is to be a precedent. In my mind, it's like if a NASCAR team slips a turbo engine into a car, but oh, they have

Well, I wouldn't hang a picture of a fetus on a wall either. But having it 3D encased in a block implies it's real, and that's gross - I've seen too many real fetuses-in-jars.

"Fight fight fight, fight fight fight...The Noomie, and Fassy Show!"