
I thought that sounded more Lou Ferrigno. Besides that though, the other voices were fantastic, it surprised me, I thought this was a cash-in title but it looks really good. No Jason Statham?

Thank you. I was trying to think of how best to write exactly what you wrote, and you did it.

I know there's life-size replicas of Predators and Terminators and whatnot, is there one for an ED-209? And is it against my homeowner's association policies to have it on my front lawn?

So if a PIT maneuver is guaranteed to obliterate the suspect, are police still allowed to use it?

This is fucking gross. Japan, next time you dream up something like this, please remember what Dr. Ian Malcolm said. Don't be so preoccupied with whether you could, that you don't stop to think whether you should.

Just make sure there's enough toner.

Yes, this is the natural choice. Just no farm scenes please.

Tell that to all the runners competing against Oscar Pistorius - how are his "blade" prosthetics matching that human physical achievement?

I thought he was suffering more from the ass-whipping that Batman was giving him, then compounded with the fact that his Venom/morphine suddenly wasn't working. I also wish they showed the aftermath of the blast from the BatPod, just so we know he's dead. He kind of disappeared into the wall like a chump when we'd

...really? Even after that infographic?

I thought Hot Toys had finally done it: created a perfect action figure of Batman characters.

Correction: North American audiences got the extra scene

Yes - I read that Chris Evans liked to suit up himself in Cap'n: First Avenger. That was as practical as could be. Even Bale's Batman was explained away in practical terms, but in real life I read that he was almost suffocating. For Superman though, since he's alien I guess it doesn't need to be very practical.

Are you in the US? I hear that the shwarma scene was only for us here in the States, international releases didn't get it.

It's been said before but, a belt or a horizontal slash of color at the waist would really break up that dark suit. And take away from that bulge.

Is it Pun Day today? Things are punnier than usual. Doesn't matter, keep it up!

Dick move. Reminds me of the time a car cut me off, I honk, so he pulls a bit to the loose gravel on the side of the road and floors it, spraying my car. Took every ounce of my 16 yr old self control to not go after that fucker (that, plus the wrath of my parents)

#9 - Like A (Mustang) Boss! Driving from cops in traffic is a dick move but what an excellent way to handle repeated PIT maneuvers.

She was right, I DO wish I had three hands. Stopped at the first clip, the movie looks awesome, people need to toss their rose-colored nostalgia glasses and realize that the first movie was just ok, as a movie.

Is this a common thing for people? I hardly ever register a photo of myself with an "ugh". I look like what I look like. Now, if someone can explain why we all sound like shit when we hear a recording of our own voices...