
Pics or it didn't happen! Also, F U science, you're putting college girls out of work.

+2.5. Came to see Voyager reference, was not disappointed.

Finally, Science proves useful! /forwards article to the wife, see honey it's proven by SCIENCE

^This. Never quite understood the drawn-on eyebrows. And surely people worked out back in the day?

Jesus, if I was the driver the orange one, during the 3-abreast turns, I'd be like Dylan in Chappelle Show: "YOUR TOO CLOSE MON, TOO CLOSE"

Amazing. It takes me at least 900 times longer to call AAA to change my tires.

Ah, inflation...I loved when the Nutty Professor bought a Viper for $50,000 back in 1995. "Well, we teachers can't exactly walk, can't we?"

Yes he does, since most every major luxury maker started copying that trend. Leading the pack is the way to go for designers.

I just mentioned this to the M-I-L yesterday when I was back in hometown Detroit, when a driver cut her off at DTW airport. Texas drivers are the best, and having lived in DFW for 3 years after MI for 15, I feel like I have Mad Max driving training compared to the kind folks here.

I actually think #6 should be #1. If you need a car, you'll probably be spending a vast majority of time in it, and none of the other questions on this list will matter if you don't like it, or it doesn't make you happy. If you DO want to drive a toaster though, you're on the wrong website.

Everything I learned about atomic weapons I learned from Broken Arrow. So, wouldn't the EMP have disabled the jets? Or did it detonate farther away after launch?

"Con: Sookie gets light finger blasted by the whole fairy party." That sounds INCREDIBLY dirty.

The fact that the article and video kept pushing "bus driver" made me think he caught the girl with his bus. Still impressive, great job Mr. St Bernard.

Hypocrisy at its finest. Show as much violence, blood and decapitation as you want, but flash one titty and it's game over, pal. And a supple fat dude's breasts are ok as well, but put them on a female form, you're done.

So THAT's the way to get booth babes to pose w/o it sounding creepy...have a girl ask...

So true. I remember watching that analysis video when it came out and going WTF buddy, I think I'll trust the opinions of the editor and cinematographer of one of the most popular and successful movies ever over you in this case.

That ass looks HUGE in the second picture. Like, Sir Mix-a-Lot shelf ass. But clean work all around. "Crack" pipe all the way though.

Hah, I totally have that issue of Marvel Swimsuit Special with Rogue on the cover. Brings me back...

The faulty logic is "if you know you may have to pay a fine by running this red light, you will slow down." Never mind that people who habitually run red lights (or accidentally) never think about whether a red light camera is present, nor do they account for the fact that people tend to screech to a halt because of

Can you bring your talents to DFW? They're the bane of my existence driving through Coppell.