
If they are going to do a tiered pricing model, it should really be done by team. Does anybody really think the Jaguars are worth paying $200 to watch out of market?

It's obviously a light truck. Obviously.

You don't put your penis in the Hellcat. It puts its penis in you.

Sometimes you just want to turn dinosaurs into noise.

It was bound to happen.

Yeah I'm sure Hitler's family (if there are any left alive) is just shouting their relationship from the rooftops. At a party: "Oh, me? Well, Hitler was my great-uncle...where are you going?"

To be fair, they might not keep him up to date on gaming news in prison.

I think the case should be thrown out on the basis, "Too late, bro."

Seriously only finds out about it now?

Doesn't even have 700 hp lol Hellcat is wayyyy better

Now THIS is the kind of Mercedes I'd drive to the welfare office to pick up food stamps.

I was recently on a train in Spain and it zipped along at 301Km/h

Maybe they were distracted by the XXL iPad next to them on the console, or were attempting to use it to adjust their seat as they drove out of the parking lot. Naw, that thing isn't distracting at all. Nevermind, couldn't be that.

reportedly the issue was that the souped-up yellow Chevelle was going to have to do a wheel stand the FULL length of the drag strip

In an office somewhere in Miami, Pat Riley's trembling hand moves his mouse forward, to the font drop-down, and selects "Comic Sans"

More coming soon on this, obviously.

"Don't you just love happy endings?"

I was worried for a sec, 'cause Emily is my sister and she's married and her husband isn't Nathan and I was going to have to bust some ass.