
No, they explained absolutely none of that to my recollection.  But I was referring to how Hodor became the way he was - that he was traumatized at the end of his life of holding the door that it went back in time to affect him as a kid and rendered him incapable of saying anything but “Hodor.”  If they explained

I’ve fallen into and awkwardly climbed out of a BMW i8 - I have no idea how those wearing skirts are supposed to manage these low slung supercars.

I see them around DFW fairly often, to the point where I forget they’re supposed to be rare/exciting to see.

Or, that hole could be used for, ah, easy access in unsavory parts of town?

Jury’s still out on 3). Big 3 fans are irrationally loyal to their brand of choice, and while this is no doubt appealing, I wonder if it really will cannibalize Wrangler sales to a huge extent.  Kudos on Ford for pushing out varied products though (this, the Mach-E) instead of just injecting more and more HP into

SPOILER ALE—just kidding. Next you’ll tell me they fucked up the ending by making, like, Bran, the king or something. God, even his name is the most boring food.

It was ok. Outside of a weird retcon of Lowry’s character for plot purposes, decent action/generic movie.

Oof, looking back at that scene, horrible trigger discipline Mike Lowry.  Funny callback to that though in the new one

Well no shit. He and his dumbass partner couldn’t outsmart an 8 year old kid, not once but TWICE.

Scary thing is, one just runs his own company, making products we don’t have to buy, the other runs this country, which... I guess we can move out of?

Below is me with any kind of valuation analysis; all i know is any time someone enters Shark Tank with a prior valuation, the sharks tear them apart gleefully.  

What’s VW Group doing that is destroying the lead? Serious question.

I remember the beanie baby craze, but is that a divorce proceeding where they are splitting their collection?  Wow

I’m not a marketing whiz, but I am Black with common sense and I don’t think it’s wise for Ford to try to “leverage” deaths of Black people to make better police cars.

That’s literally what the second part of the corporate email says.  Foley highlights it here as a detriment.  

Explorers project intimidation?  News to me.

Juvenile jokes aside, I love these shorts. I understand the financial transaction of shorting, but have always hated actively rooting for a company to lose for one’s own financial gain. That TSLA is now above $1400 is just sweet sweet schadenfreude.

Mentioned in the article, it’s mostly an image thing. They’re streamlining their messaging and for a muscle/hp brand, the Journey and Caravan don’t fit anymore.  

That speaks really well to why the Journey and GC are going away.  They don’t fit the Dodge “brand” anymore - the image of horsepower and a closed fist aiming for your face.