
Neutral: Aside from the obvious “I’m not in the 1% so my effective income and spending power has decreased steadily every year over the past decade,” it’s because no manufacturer makes a vehicle I want to buy I have extremely specific criteria for cars which no automaker who wants to make money, will offer.” 

Wife won’t let me reinvest and help grow the economy. Does this make her a terrorist?

“Like I said, I’m an upcoming artist.”

“Upcoming artists” usually are.

This is exactly why I didn’t care if my PHEV had the Stow N Go.  My kids will be in child seats/boosters at least for the next ten years, the seats are permanently bolted to the 2nd row.

They’re both so slab sided.  I like the Bentayga/Genesis SUV haunches, it breaks up the horizontal line.

Seriously.  The millenial/gen Z stink is getting really ripe lately in these halls.

I applaud that you had the wherewithal to take an unrelated 15 sec documentary clip and perfectly apply it in a meaningful way. Carry on sir.

IIRC, she was cheating on her husband when she got sick, right?

Did you just cough?  QUARANTINE!  ...did I just catch it via keyboard?  Shit!

Now playing

Well, Big Data does say that it’s Dangerous.

It wasn’t clear in the article if it meant that people without “Precheck” on their boarding pass are now banned from going with you through Precheck (for the record, I thought they couldn’t already.)  I’m saying that every time I’ve booked a flight with my family, they all show Precheck on their boarding passes.  So

I go by what the womens say - and both of them almost slid through the scanners when they looked at him

Like others have said - book on the same reservation. Unlike Sex Panther, 100% of the time it works all of the time. My wife/kids have never not gotten Precheck when I travel with them, 15+ flights over 5+ years. They should thank me.

Maybe in TNG times they’ve gone “retro” and went back to early 21st century cursing

Harvest is still a month away.

It is sheer fucking hubris to think that they haven’t invented new curse words in 400 years

For that matter - handsome Romulan Borg guy sounds British. Uh, how does that work? I get different races within species but that’s so clearly a UK accent, how do they explain that in the show universe?

Counterpoint - we’re still very much in “Stage 3". GM just throws out a couple big numbers to get the blogs all hard, and we get articles like this. People still care very much for EV-centric stats like range and battery size.