
Or, better yet this one

This kind of reminds of the ICON-built Crown Victoria from a few years ago. 

My first question to the dealer would be “Can I swap the wheels out for something significantly less hideous?” Either that or I’m stopping at a tire/wheel shop on my way home. 

“ ‘... We don’t need the cars. We don’t need their lumber.’”


Be thankful that it’s only $200,000 in the States. Here’s a new Vantage at Aston Martin Vancouver. Note the price at the bottom. This is about $75,000CAD more than the simple exchange rate from $200,000 USD.

Ok, that was legitimately funny. Ozzyman’s voiceover video is priceless. 

I mean, he probably has a metric fucktonne of money and LeMans is out there. He can be an in-house test pilot for any of the hypercar manufactures... Sergio’s gonna be ok.

Those aren’t hubcaps. If you click the link and (god-forbid) go to Twitter, you’ll see that the wheels have a white plastic wrap on them. It’s on the side mirror as well. 

The Model Y has always been awkward-looking. These things are crawling all over Vancouver and they’re weird. They’re homely. They look like they want to be futuristic but don’t quite know how to pull that off. 

I don’t drink prior to flying because I know that when I’m drunk, I’m everyone’s best friend - in my head. I’m not rude, not aggressive, not violent; just really happy. I’ve been told that it’s “charmingly annoying”. 

It was a good question. Helmet dynamics are weird, and often terrifying. At the end of the day, any helmet that’s been in an impact - regardless of visible damage - should be discarded. There could be internal fractures that you just can’t see.

A competition-prepped big air transition, a 1/2 pipe, or a box or rail, aren’t soft surfaces; especially when the skier has fallen 20' out of the sky onto it, or are moving really fast. Conversely I’ve seen helmets come apart in low-speed impacts and skiers with little to no internal damage.

Interesting point about Franchitti’s helmet. I’m a ski patroller and free-style ski coach. I see intact helmets with minimal damage, all the time on skiers/snowboarders with concussions.

There is a fantastic book by Canadian science-writer Jay Ingram, called The Barmaids Brain. It examines lots of these mental gymnastics that the human brain is capable of. It’s well worth a read. 

London cab drivers have to “Be on The Knowledge”. This is a process that takes roughly two years to undergo, whereby a prospective London cab driver must demonstrate that they know their city inside, outside and backwards.

Perhaps the directionality of the tread pattern has a part to play in the disconnect between braking and acceleration.

Yep. I said the same thing to my wife the first time I saw one in a fancy store. 

This looks like a Balenciaga shoe.

You’ll need a place to store it. Does your uncle have a country place that no-one knows about? Was it a farm that existed before the motor law?