I mean, he probably has a metric fucktonne of money and LeMans is out there. He can be an in-house test pilot for any of the hypercar manufactures... Sergio’s gonna be ok.
I mean, he probably has a metric fucktonne of money and LeMans is out there. He can be an in-house test pilot for any of the hypercar manufactures... Sergio’s gonna be ok.
Those aren’t hubcaps. If you click the link and (god-forbid) go to Twitter, you’ll see that the wheels have a white plastic wrap on them. It’s on the side mirror as well.
The Model Y has always been awkward-looking. These things are crawling all over Vancouver and they’re weird. They’re homely. They look like they want to be futuristic but don’t quite know how to pull that off.
I don’t drink prior to flying because I know that when I’m drunk, I’m everyone’s best friend - in my head. I’m not rude, not aggressive, not violent; just really happy. I’ve been told that it’s “charmingly annoying”.
It was a good question. Helmet dynamics are weird, and often terrifying. At the end of the day, any helmet that’s been in an impact - regardless of visible damage - should be discarded. There could be internal fractures that you just can’t see.
A competition-prepped big air transition, a 1/2 pipe, or a box or rail, aren’t soft surfaces; especially when the skier has fallen 20' out of the sky onto it, or are moving really fast. Conversely I’ve seen helmets come apart in low-speed impacts and skiers with little to no internal damage.
Interesting point about Franchitti’s helmet. I’m a ski patroller and free-style ski coach. I see intact helmets with minimal damage, all the time on skiers/snowboarders with concussions.
There is a fantastic book by Canadian science-writer Jay Ingram, called The Barmaids Brain. It examines lots of these mental gymnastics that the human brain is capable of. It’s well worth a read.
London cab drivers have to “Be on The Knowledge”. This is a process that takes roughly two years to undergo, whereby a prospective London cab driver must demonstrate that they know their city inside, outside and backwards.
Perhaps the directionality of the tread pattern has a part to play in the disconnect between braking and acceleration.
Yep. I said the same thing to my wife the first time I saw one in a fancy store.
You’ll need a place to store it. Does your uncle have a country place that no-one knows about? Was it a farm that existed before the motor law?
I’m guessing that the TSA (and other countries’ agencies) looked at the travel size products on the market (shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes etc...) and found that they are by and large under 100ml. They bumped up to the round 100ml to give some breathing room and to make everyone’s jobs easier.
Remember when Tim Cook told the FBI to pound sand because the agency wanted Apple to break into a locked iPhone. Those were good days.
“, a four-mile Uber ride to pick it up,...”
Good to know. We road trip a lot for various adventures. As such we usually have a good set of tools with us and are pretty self-reliant. I’ll be on the lookout for the helmet on the ground. This is a new one for me.
I really wanted to like it. I thought it looked cool, had loads of space, decent motor... I just couldn’t get to feeling comfortable in it.
Still not fast enough to outrun the ugly.