Ah. I see what you’re getting at.
Ah. I see what you’re getting at.
Can I ask why?
Maybe if you live in a place with no disasters or without the potential for one, this makes sense.
I promise I’m not trolling or being combative with this question. I honestly don’t understand your point.
Oh I have no doubt. It was the ‘80s, Canada, white kids. That said, he shot a gun out of my car! Even a BB gun can do damage; especially in traffic.
Are you new? There are airline stories, maritime stories, industry stories, and media-personalities using transportation stories.
There was a hilarious chat about this on Reddit yesterday. A number of Redditors had bought into the Kickstarter that Cards Against Humanity started to fund the land purchase. The Redditors were have an amusing discussion about starting an HOA and charging Elon for trespassing.
Had a passenger lean across from the back seat to shoot (yes shoot) a BB gun at another car because “he thought it was his friend’s car”. I pulled over and booted his ass from the car, and then dragged back him to my house six hours later, at 10:00 pm that evening to explain to the understandably pissed off cop in my…
Ooof 35th high school reunion was last year. I skipped it (as I have all reunions). I have a serious Peter Pan complex and just cannot deal with people my own age. Fortunately my wife has the same complex so we grow older with a group of friends ten - 15 years our juniors.
For sure.
That was my first thought. That’s more than a little racist.
So my wife is a rapper then? Because my God that woman can curse. In her early - late 20s she worked with commercial fishermen. To this day she can turn the air blue if something requires that vocabulary. Neither of our kids are big on swearing. We never hid it from them, but we did teach them about time and place,…
It’s a stretch to say the Mach E ruined the Mustang. But, it is the antithesis of what a Mustang - let along a Mach Mustang - is supposed to be.
The only thing that could make this better (read, funnier) would be finding out that the driver was driven out in a Crosstrek.
Oh FFS. People are having fun.
Rudol has to pay another $7 million in civil penalties ontop of the $2 million fine.
“Subjectively cool”?
Four doors, back seat, trunk. It’s very pedantically, a sedan.
I LOVED this nomination when it was made last week. It’s so absurdly, technically a sedan I had to love it. It’s got four doors, a back seat, and a trunk. In the strictest definition of what makes a sedan, it’s a sedan.
Typo. Meant to write 57 mph... from the previous comment I was replying to.