
Fuck these guys. 

Seriously. And it’s so bad for them. Having all that weight in a static position like that is partially what causes so many problems. 

Ahh. Got it. I live in a place that gets five months of -5C to -40C winter. That establishment would die here. 

Long live the 1957 Ford Fairlane Skyliner. My uncle had one for a while. Keeping the roof operational damn-near required a mechanical engineering degree. Pretty car though.


My only complaint is that she hit the wrong thing. Dude should have caught the hammer with his front teeth.

Thank you. I’ve been yelling this from the rooftops for a few years. Battery stations should be analogous to gas stations.

With them, traffic deaths have plummeted. *In 1975 there were 20.6 motor vehicle crash deaths per 100,000 people. In 2022 there were 12.8 deaths per 100,000 people. That’s nearly 1/2 the fatalities per 100,000 people. In the same time the number of miles travelled have exploded from 1.3 million miles travelled in 1975

ISO standards for mounting systems, charging systems etc... Yes you could get a bad battery. You can also get bad gas at a gas station.

My brother and I LOVED our Stompers. I think they’re in a box in his basement.

2022 Crosstrek. The front camera. My wife was totally ambivalent about it. We go to a lot of places (river put-ins, remote trailheads, our local ski hill with its terrible access, where front clearance is an issue) and the idea that I could see what was directly in front of the front bumper was really appealing to me.

If this was the procedural it’s trying to be, then some kind of attention would’ve been drawn to the bodies, beyond just walking past them. There would have been some significance given to them. That’s where I was going with “hand-waving.”

I’m not saying the article writer is better than the episode writer. I’m saying that this particular episode was hot garbage. Not taking sides with anyone except my own opinions. 

Bingo. I’m not for a moment suggesting the fire killed the witches.

I give Star Wars a lot of leeway. I forgive a lot of sins, bad writing, plot holes, bad character design... because I love Star Wars. So, take this with the weight I intend, and the pain it may cause me to say it...

Yep. This isn’t even front-mid. It’s front. The engine is firmly between the front wheels. 

“I was talking to an Admiral. One of the top Admirals. Big guy. Tough guy. Tears streaming down his face. He said to me, “Sir. Sir you have to get our troops out of these dangerous woke electric submarines. We’re electrocuting whales in the ocean with our battery-powered submarines.”

How does he explain non-nuclear submarines that are basically giagantic banks of batteries?

Sigh. Yeah, I know. I studied and Public Relations in my first trip through university; did a case study on the Pinto debacle.