
Between Disney Infinity 2.0 and Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8 is relegated to waiting for the DLC to drop and local multiplayer, honestly. There's really not a ton of reason to play online for me. Other players might as well be robots...except they're harder than the CPU opponents, really. There really aren't that

*insert guy having intercourse while playing Shovel Knight on his 3DS*

I mean honestly, You have Platinum, the company paid by Nintendo to make Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101, and they completely ignore the one system that this game would be best suited for. It makes me sick to my damn stomach. But then I realized that teh game is being published by Activision, and I said, "Figures".

>Something cool in gaming happens

>Mainstream society goes 'dafuq is this shit' and goes back to playing Candy Crush non-stop

amen bro! Expect to see "homer simpson vs darth vader" or "PEWDIEPIE VS JONTRON" videos once smash 4 is out on both consoles!

You should be excited about being able to create fully customizable fighters, though. I doubt it'll allow you to play them online, however.

Forget about Palutena. I want a goddamn Smash Bros anime.

HA! Suck it EA, and your UFC is the only game where you can play as Bruce Lee. I'll make my own Bruce Lee, and give him a fucking laser gun arm to boot.

Actually marketing eats up a lot more of the distributors budget than manufacturing. Distribution and stores margin could be saved on a digital download only tittle, but a kid-friendly game sells better on a Gamestop or a Toys R Us.

Ouch, why not just release them as digital downloads so you don't have the extra cost of manufacturing?

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Still no mention of Mario Kart 8 selling 1.2 mil…

funny thing is, it takes both USB ports... WHY?

I was wondering the same thing. If not, somebody will probably make drivers for it.

So the WiiU GC controller is in fact a GC controller? And since the adapter is USB, would this work on a PC?

This article has absolutely convinced me to buy a Wii U. Solid writing, my friend.

Why would he buy a Wii U if you keep brining your over to play? Face it, your friend is cheap. CUT HIM OFF!

*Looks at Wii U and smiles*

That's true, I don't mind Nintendo making it accessible to everyone, but some difficulty sliders would sure be welcome. The last three Zelda games (SS, WWHD, LBW) all introduced hero mode, which is a step in the right direction and hopefully will be improved on in the next chapter.