
Stan Lee is 90. Age is no excuse for stupidity. Period. :)

Maim Killing 2 was so shitty though. Framerate issues so bad it made Death Murder 3 look like Stab Shooter: Revelations.

Pat Robertson: America's official dispenser of "Oh, Grandpa!" moments.

I'm a staunch Atheist, but even I can see these guys are just being dicks. This particular group of religious folks weren't bothering anyone (aside from clogging up the walkways a bit). They were polite, didn't preach any hate WBC style, and didn't speak to you unless you approached them.

Some of the Con attendees on

He could have scored such an epic win if he had just had it say something truly foreboding like: "Embrace the light of Jesus or you will be eaten by a Grue."

Agreed. I firmly do not believe in any gods, but I don't agree with picking on neutral Christians. It's their right to stand there with joke signs just as it's the right of the protesters to hold their signs, but personally I think they ought to save it for the ones who protest at soldiers' funerals and say

Are these the same super-jesus folks who kept shouting at Anime Expo last year?

The lack of a Wii U version is very disappointing. Everyone knows that Soul Caliber II is not Soul Caliber II without Link.

I'm a Christian as well, and I personally didn't blink twice at this. I think this guy is being a bit melodramatic, but he's entitled to his beliefs, just as the people who tried to avoid the baptism for the alternate reason are as well, even though it makes me roll my eyes. My other friend's comment on this article

Wow, just wow...

I think what people are failing to realize is the rather overt satire that is taking place. The administration of Columbia is forcing their religious views down your throat, all the while display actions that are the furthest from being the pinnacle of their teachings.