Johnny Nosebleed

Assessing penalties became troublesome for the officials once the distinction between "first responder" and "third man in" got blurred.

A Black Hat is a term for a villain because they were often depicted wearing black hats. It's most often associated with cowboy movies because cowboys basically always wore hats, but you don't literally have to be wearing a black cowboy hat to be the Black Hat of a film. For instance, Darth Vader is a Black Hat

The John Wayne stuff doesn't make any sense, it's not a cowboy hat.

The Dodgers really come across as a bunch of bitches here.

WTF Portland?

people wearing uninvolved third-party team gear should be beaten at the gate

I'm here for everyone on the Kotak if you guys ever need someone to talk to. My door is always open.

That's great, but adding absurdity to absurdity doesn't necessarily help the situation. It just gets your article more views.


First, props for covering how stupid this issue is.

More like Softy Rhodes, amirite?!?!

I get why clickbait isn't acceptable to use for some sorts of criticisms, but how do you figure it's not acceptable to use in the case of a misleading headline designed to make people think that a fairly mundane article is not mundane? I take it to mean the same thing. You may not like that it carries with it a much

That's a considerable amount of work put into completely missing the point.

I read EXACTLY the following:

No. I will not shut up. There's a difference between writing a good headline and the "Most amazing story you'll see all day!" garbage HuffPo (and Gawker sometimes) is known for. That is the fucking worst.

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.

Yesterday's news: Paul George doesn't wear clothes.

"Infamous" is often used incorrectly. It would not be incorrect to use it in reference to Bob Knight, especially his Connie Chung quote.