That sounds biased.
That sounds biased.
Don’t worry, the jury will be back in after a the court’s boofing session.
Man, those numbers got shut down pretty quick. I dug up a link from the Wayback so I could tell Graham to do a reversal on the GOP modus operandi and go fuck himself for a change, but it was already disconnected. What a bummer.
Since his office’s phone inbox is full, I’m inclined to ask... has anyone ever tried faxing a politician? I’d assume they just have their printers hooked up to their shredders by now, but I feel like an email would still be the most ignored medium by these geriatric old white dudes.
Sold out?
No problem, pops.
Nah, man. I don’t care if you’re all about getting pitted to d-beats and collecting Slap-a-Ham records, or if you’re some shy nerd going “who’s punk what’s the score.” I’m just letting the kids know that name-dropping Joe Strummer and tagging a few safety pins on your clothes doesn’t constitute as cultural…
The Sex Pistols can qualify, too.
Is that you in your profile pic?
“Sod off wanker,” really?
That’s a solid smattering of Clash references there.
That said, I never got how Joe Strummer and The Clash got a punk reputation on dull bar blues-cum-dub rock tracks. “They can stuff their punk credentials//cause it’s them that take the cash.”
In case anyone was looking to respond to #1 rape fan Mister Alighieri, check out his comment history to get a sense of the intellectual black hole you’re venturing into, because it’s a bottomless void of shitposting from a dude with a lot of free time to defend some remarkably asinine causes.
Tangential question: why do people go to OU? I used to visit a friend who lived in OKC for a bit, and that whole state is a fucking bummer. The college experience has too much life-shaping potential to be wasted in Oklahoma.
Have you ever heard about how she treats her staff and writers? Apparently she’s a pretty awful person to work for, and other comedians have mentioned that her television celebrity status has kind of allowed her to feel above the rest of them socially. I have no opinion about her either way because I never watch her (l…
Dude’s worth more than 1.6 million families. It’s legitimately impossible to fathom that amount.
Yep. Buy drugs. Because that’s what crypto is for.
Man, I was hoping to see a comments section brimming with takes of all different temperatures. I don’t think there’s a single editorialization on this that I won’t find unnecessary and idiotic to some degree or another, be it either positive or negative.
I have so many playlists, but I’m still always adding to them or skipping around impulsively. That’s one thing I miss about the indivisibly long sides of mixtapes. Still a high art form, in my humble opinion.
Fun fact: pretty much every military skirmish the US has been a part of (minus WWII; you can argue the finer details of that one) has been motivated by imperialism obfuscated by exceptionalist rhetoric and has, in part, created some of the worst components of nearly every thing we call a threat, whether it’s ISIL, the…
Why white people? I feel like most white people are corporate-favoring neoliberals who prefer it when the status quo doesn’t rattle the paradigm that favors them...
I think he has a bit of that Rondo-styled value to him where he’s good with the Celtics right now (especially under Stevens), but I think his value will slowly tank as he rotates his way down to small market teams hoping for a one-man solution to patching their defense.