Johnny Nosebleed

This is one of those times where I wish it were possible to clone someone and just have both versions go into the league and see how much coaching staff changes the outcome. Tatum has no right to be playing this well right now.

Any social structure can be shirked with enough money and the status that comes with it. Bonus points for being a white dude. Not to touch on some embarrassing strain of post-Bernie socialist fetishism here, but it’s at least worth noting that the foundations of this all come from interests tied in money or at least

That’s a golden takeaway.

Seeing the Celtics win with a cast of minor stars this season and then falter with a full roster in all subsequent seasons would be kind of amusing.

That would be a much sicker burn with a little punctuation.

This is a good example of the danger of in letting “moderates” on the Democrat ticket; “bi-partisan” just means “in the interest of higher earning white people.”
That said, you gotta hand it to conservatives; they’re great at branding anti-civilian rights.

Thanks for reiterating a worse version Michelle Wolf’s joke.

Can we issue some kind of memorandum to all future terrorists that their eventual retaliation should focus on the central US for being the ones to fuck everything up the most? Because the hypernationalist, xenophobic sect of the US is also the part of the United States that is least impacted by these sorts of foreign

To be fair to Albert, a lot of the postseason has shifted the season narrative quite a bit. Dwane Casey is showing cracks, Simmons’ weaknesses are exploited, and Embiid is just getting overworked.

I have a couple Native American friends and they’re huge metal heads. In fact, the side of my family that has Native American blood is also way into death metal and, for whatever reason, the Misfits. They get it.

Thanks for the Facebook rant, uncle.

If it’s legal? Have you seen what people get away with in Washington?
I didn’t want to pick sides and delve into the comments too much, but you do realize that tax plans have to be proposed by someone and then are delegated to a team, right? Even unabashedly insane proposals trying to push the envelope in the right

“In the adult world...”
Fuck me, do people really think that “maturity” equates to a diplomacy that hurts all involved?
Oh, wait...

Respect the Soy Chorizo.
Solid protein, great flavor, and a longer shelf life than other breakfast meats. The laziness in me has convinced me that I like it more that breakfast sausage or bacon, I think.

As a general practice, it seems strange that you can buy out someone else’s first amendment rights.

Just dropping in to remind everyone that The Needledrop is a tryhard buster who feigns love for more genres than he is anywhere near acquainted with and is in no way an authority on anything as esoteric as he postures. Dude’s a hundred miles wide and an inch deep. His reviews are mostly shallow observations and

I’m sure you fancy that as a clever retort, but defending the Clintons with comparative behavioral studies is not the hill you want to die on.

Talking about what happened? Didn’t she stay mute on sexual assault in her own team?

There’s a huge difference between personal shittiness and systemic shittiness. I think you attenuate the volume of one person’s mistreatment of multiple people in favor of one person who’s just a douchebag.