
Buy a Cricut Explore Air 2 for 35% Off’. Yeah, but no... Buy from a company that tried the old, bait and switch routine basically more or less bricking your machine unless you started to pay a monthly fee. Only back tracking once the publicity got too bad.

Buy a Cricut Explore Air 2 for 35% Off’. Yeah, but no... Buy from a company that tried the old, bait and switch

I’ve a brother and two sisters. If my brother did this kind of shit then he’d be out on his own. Being related to an arsehole, doesn’t stop them being an arsehole and arsehole’s need to pay. Still if you want to prop up arseholes then that’s your business but all this Brother shit is bollocks. Absolute Fucking

London has incredibly hard water. Basically limescale every where, it’s most frustrating.

You are magnanimous... that took about five times to get the spelling correct.

My apologies. Crappy day. I now see your purpose, or porpoise... Like  said crappy day

I’m guessing that you are also an abuser then. Fair enough. Good of you to admit it.

I’ll take your 16 settings and I’ll give you one. Delete your Facebook account... that’s it, simples.

Seinfeld is one of the most unfunny comedians I’ve ever seen. He’s terrible.

Everything... absolutely everything... every single plant, insect, reptile, mammal in Australia is trying to kill you... It’s a scary place

I’ve given up on DropBox ever since it’s been telling me that my half full dropbox is full up and I need to upgrade. I know all about having shared folders and those taking up the space, but the thing is, none of my shared folders have anything in them that would be taking up space.

You mean... much more biased report

If he’s going to take all rapists off the street, won’t that just remove the majority of his voting base?

There’s a really good book called Electronic Dreams that deals with the British side of this. I got it from Audible and it’s fantastic. Also check out Radio 4, there’s a couple of series on their that might interest you. Can’t remember what they’re called.

Treat your head even better by not buying an Oculus device in the first place

Treat your head even better by not buying an Oculus device in the first place

Funny that you bring up syphillis... one of it’s symptoms is dementia... which would indicate that he’s been suffering for a very very long time.

You’ll most definitely be going to hell so I wouldn’t bank on that one.

I think you win the Internet for the rest of the decade... Go home everybody, winner here.

Except that’s not what she’s saying is it? That’s not what she’s saying at all and you know that.

I find it disturbing and interesting that you seem to have a beef over the fact of her earnings, but not the fact that Disney stiffed her.

Why hate? Richard Branson... the end.