
Practically all of the owners of the main gutter press tabloids in the UK are either related to Slave owners or most definitely would have been on the ‘I don’t see what the issue is’ side of history. No one, absolutely no one with any kind of sanity or grip on reality takes the UK’s gutter press as anything more than

I was really good friends, really good friends with someone who went on to have a minor career on TV and in the Theatre. I followed that direction myself but not with much success.

Please feel free to not read Jalopnik any more. But of course, you won’t be doing that will you as you just need something to complain about.

This... I was absolutely stunned last year when watching Love & Death where there is a blatant reference in there.

You only need to watch his Oeuvre from the very beginning. Watch the amount of times in the beginning of his film career where there’s a joke about how young, very young women. I always thought that these sort of references had only occurred recently, since the accusations became louder. Then I was shocked on watching

On the plus side. The fat Fucker is 74 and already crumbling. With any luck he’ll be in full dementia stage in four years time.

All I’m saying is that it wasn’t so long ago that the USA banned lead solder in their tinned food. That’s pretty much all you need to know.

This is all kinds of Genius. A universe of stars for you.

Isn’t that Gimli from Lord of the Rings? He must’ve fallen on hard times... well he’ll definitely be falling on hard times now.

Look up Eric Clapton’s racist rant from years ago. He’s always been a Cunt, it’s just he’s not always that vocal about it.

grab the Oculus Rift S for $300' you forgot the ‘and your soul bit’. ‘grab the Oculus Rift S for $300'... and your soul

grab the Oculus Rift S for $300' you forgot the ‘and your soul bit’. ‘grab the Oculus Rift S for $300'... and your

This is basically on a par for Apple. Promise the world and then offer loads of caveats that mean you can legally get out of any if not all of your promises

In the UK. We’ve all grown up with Bagpuss. Peter Firmin was awesome. You should also look up Fingerbobs an absolutely mental show with some guy called... for some strange reason ‘Yoffey’... 

Hopefully the only ‘cottage’ that those two will be living in is the ‘cottage’ that is a prison cell. One can hope.

Possibly also too quick, but like your thinking.

Oh I’m with you all the way, although I would postulate beating them to death with a crowbar would be too quick. You need something slower.

Do you really think the secret service would give up a chance to put a bullet in that flabby arse should he not play ball? 

Mind you won’t she just be able to claim half of his billion dollar debt?

Helicopter... or a Jet... every time

Have you seen the documentary (probably about fiveish years ago) about this where they built a replica of a small part of it and then blew it up with Gunpowder of a similar type to what would have been used in the day.