
I think this sums it up slightly more consisely

Nothing... at first, then about a year down the line they’ll introduce an update saying... ‘Oh no, unfortunately the only way the update will work is that you’ll have to pay us’... There will be a public outcry and they’ll back down until six months later they’ll introduce an update that means... You get the picture

I blame Popeye myself. Olive oil was just a Patsy

Why is that blonde scruffy twat front and centre in this pic? That bastard couldn’t do the right thing when he caught Covid and just die. We have suffer that useless sack of shit still.

I stumbled across this a couple of years ago and it’s a Gem. It’s absolutely perfect. Go on Twitter and tell the writer (who’s in it) what a Gem it is. The guys a gent, he’s been on British T.V. for several years and this is just beautiful.

still believe Q on the whole pedophile conspiracy’

‘Breaking into a car dealership’. What kind of cars did they nick? Are you sure this isn’t just GTA VI?

We already know how this plays out.

Perhaps this is an ‘I Sparticus’ moment.

That explains a hell of a lot of the issues I’ve been having all morning. 

Ahh... this old chestnut. Don’t you understand? We’re the little people. It’s our job to work for our ‘betters’ for a few crumbs whilst they live a life of leisure. It’s the Medieval way.

Many many... a multitude of stars.

When you say ‘like Terrorism’... is that White Terrorism... I.e. ‘oh he was misguided’, ‘he’s got a right to be angry’ etc. etc. Or Brown Terrorism... ‘Just bomb the bastards, his family and everyone else in the vicinity’. It’s important to know.

You missed out a Ha.

I feel one thousand, may be a little extreme. 30 feet should would give a much better chance of a paralysis and thus leave him sitting in his own excrement for the rest of his days, as no one is likely to want to take care of him.

Plus creed thoughts made more sense and were more coherent

I opted my Amazon speaker out about two years ago... with a hammer. It was unbelievably satisfying and I don’t miss it one iota.

The People: ‘This stuff happens’

The emails intimate that the LAPD has been “overrun with property crime’ I take it they mumbled the bit where they stated that they’d much prefer to go out and shoot people of colour.

From what I’ve read recently, these could be the most intelligent species in Florida... bar none.