Man, I almost spent $1500 last night.
Man, I almost spent $1500 last night.
NO! It's a binder clip people!! We fought a war to keep their damn spellings and "wourds" out of our language!
WTF is a bulldog clip?
that did it. Thanks Matt! Glad it was something simple.
Duoling has that option for a few languages.
My issue is with the main site, not the app. Weird.
Anyone else having a problem signing in to Duolingo with their Google account? It comes up errors for me since the Hive Five was announced.
wow ... well at least you know now and can plan your life accordingly.
This might be controversial, but my philosophy is that it is not the parents job to limit their children in anything they want to do, but to change their parenting styles in accordance with those desires. I've heard some of that from parents that said whenever you can afford it, but I've heard a lot more, never cause…
Epic win. Hope no one decides to ship those boxes.
Does this replace my bookmarks going forward? I'd rather something that overlays my bookmarks with this type of functionality. Legacy data ... it isn't just an issue for big corporations.
Under. You use the weight of the TP roll to help tear it with one hand more easily. You can also control spin with the top of your index finger to avoid too many sheets.
If you did it at my house, you would start a prank war that you could not handle. Get ready for an upside down microwave and tv set.
Man ... I've wanted to use IFTTT for something productive for years. Right now it just keeps reminding me that my stocks are doing poorly :(
Can someone please tell me what I can do on Evernote that I cant do on OneNote?
That's pretty funny. You're still an asshole.
Text expansion isn't just the domain of the desktop. In Android, you can create shortcuts in the custom dictionary that function like text expanders. This can work for everything from turning "lh" into "Lifehacker" or "@@" into your email address. There are a few places where autocomplete is disabled and the shortcuts…
you're an asshole.