that's funny.
that's funny.
Wow ... your life is so blessed. I guess that makes it okay for you to treat people like shit when you don't know them. Realize that you've been incredibly pretentious and insulting in this exchange all the way through. It actually makes me feel much better to tell off assholes for the simple reason that in order to…
Apologies. You are correct. That's the current cost of the phone. I can't remember its original price.
I get stuck there because my brain refuses to believe "one" starts with anything but a W.
T-Mobile - No Contract, Unlimited Minutes & Unlimited Data unrestricted for 2.5Gb
I want this ... thank you for providing me with a new goal in life. This and the beer keg in my office.
Hey, looky there! More assumptions on your part. Look we are all real fucking proud of you for having no problems with your job and deciding you have an expertise in other peoples' shit. If you really want to help others get the fuck off your high horse and accept that most people aren't currently in the position to…
Man .... you guys still listen to MP3s? That's so adorable. Hang in there, vinyl's making a comeback too.
Are you eating popcorn while reading comments?
Beautiful Primer ... something Google should do out the gate with phones.
You're CV must be 2 paragraphs long. That, or you type reaaalllly slowly.
Great. And for those of us that aren't self-employed? Where meetings are not of our choosing? Where working long hours is, not a matter of pride, but perception in a cut-throat work environment? I can get most of what I need to get done in about 5 hours. But I'll be here until 10pm if the rest of the team is too. And…
No. The weight is wrong, they catch their own food, and they can climb out of the bucket.
What made the mouse Italian?
When the mouse enters the roll to get the cheese, gravity will dump it into the waste basket and you can toss the mouse outside the next morning. Just make sure you let it go far away otherwise it'll find its way back. Mice are smart.
NOVA - Northern Virginia - T-Mobile ... not terrible but not great.
You say, "Yeah that's is soo funny. It actually reminds me of the time that you wouldn't SHUT UP ... what? ... they're similar situations ... don't blame me if you can't find humor in the analogy."
I like the park idea a lot (if the weather is nice). Someone suggested the office gym where I could "meditate." That's also not a bad option.
I take the subway to work.
I really want to nap .... but where? I work in an office that would look at me strangely if I napped in sight of people.