Meanwhile, Julian Edelman, just back from a three-hour jog in the rain, has poured himself a bowl of gravel to enjoy in his empty kitchen.
Meanwhile, Julian Edelman, just back from a three-hour jog in the rain, has poured himself a bowl of gravel to enjoy in his empty kitchen.
You knew they were coming, America. The second the Patriots got busted for doctoring footballs, you knew the…
This isn't anything new. After Super Bowl XXV, Scott Norwood kept shaking his head and muttering "God hates FGs".
The decision to vacate the wins was nearly two and a half years old, so it comes as no surprise that Penn State completely fucked it.
I feel the same way about seeing my wife on there.
Whether you watched football or the Golden Globes yesterday, you were likely exposed to a new McDonald's ad
I like how he takes a second at the end to take a quick peek at Fergie's penis. Nice touch, guy.
Big thanks to Michael Irving for trying to complete each phrase as they're being said like he's solving goddamn Wheel of Fortune.
It would make sense if this game were being played in Baltimora
This golden retriever is learning a very valuable lesson way earlier than most of us do: sometimes you are just…
Because that's worked out SO well with the alcohol industry...
"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that he did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After reviewing discovery and listening to his testimony in person, I now understand how he feels that he did not consent to this encounter."
Protesters: [put hands up]
Where's the white jacket, Ray?
It's amazing how people don't seem to realize that soccer is the "world's sports" for one simple reason: it doesn't cost any money to play. Literally, you don't even need a ball, just take a sock and stuff it with thrown out newspapers and kick it around the street/yard. There's nothing wrong with this, but I'm…
Dear actual moral Christian people,
It's hard to imagine that, for something this important, a guy could just skate by with almost zero scrutiny. That a guy with none of the requisite qualifications could just slip through the screening process, past dozen of checks, and be allowed to wander - befuddledly - into the inner sanctum of power, interacting…
"Fuck that guy. I know a push-up when I see one."
The sad irony is that she was officially marked as DTF (Didn't Try - Faith).
That's a real shame. She probably would have won. That's the number of the best.