I'm sure Sean Hayes felt very comfortable in a sea of historically open-minded, intelligent people that are NASCAR fans.
I'm sure Sean Hayes felt very comfortable in a sea of historically open-minded, intelligent people that are NASCAR fans.
It sadden me...
(:55) His parade?
"...in Baltimore...[they] will bemoan the very existence of the kicker. In New York, meanwhile, they will celebrate one."
Levin...are you the Baltimore version of Tawmy from Quinzee?
BRADY: "Is that your Christmas elf to my left?"
There is no Jim Kelly. There is only "QB BILLS", now and forever.
"Ow! McGloin!"
Your anger's all over the place.
We should at least demand a return of Jock Jams based on that.
This is one of the better-edited hostage videos I've seen.
Several days ago, my wife asked me if whatever bowl game was on TV at that moment was the BCS Championship and I—having no interest or idea—replied "yes".
How badly does Rex Ryan want to suck Peyton Manning's toes?
That's some kind of G.
Holding out for the allowance to sexually desecrate Steinbrenner's corpse whenever you please doesn't seem so tough, now—does it, Jeter?
Beats the balls off the Heathcliff Flag Day special...
I'm hoping you take this comment extremely seriously because it's serious and factual. There are several problems. I do have to be honest and am not 100% certain that this is something I'll want to get posted, especially since I'm the only one this particular stuff could come from.
Okay, everybody who's into golf, keep telling me that everybody who's into golf isn't a freaking ding-dong.
Nobody ever talks about how good Amy Poehler's OBP is for a short female who doesn't play professional baseball.