
Because Michael Bennett “fitting a description” of a potential assailant (that doesn’t exist) because he’s black is like saying Donald Trump fits the description of a good and just leader because he’s president.

It’s tricky to claim he fit the description of the shooter if there was no shooter.

Did someone call in and say “a giant black man fired a gun”? In that case, he would fit a description. If not, and he was tackled because he was a giant black man running from a dangerous scene, then he fits something else, and we have a problem.

Fit the description of what? The police didn’t even know what happened.

Is there a distinction to be made between Stadiums and Arenas? The reason I ask is that arenas at least seem to be far more functional that most stadiums, being able to host concerts and shows making it useful 365 days a year. I am not arguing for public funding for arenas, although I can see how they would be “more”

Let me start off by saying, I dont mean to attack you. I’m a white guy who has NO idea what its like to be a minority or what minorities go through on a daily basis. But one of the most dangerous things we can do as a society is assign negative motives to a group of people based on the color of their skin or the

I understand what you are saying, but I doubt most cops trust law enforcement’s stories — they are usually just complicit in the lies. No one knows better about how cops are and what they say than other cops. And OF COURSE criminals lie all the time. They are criminals.

Cops don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. I expressly said so above

Absolutely, questions remain. I never doubted that he was detained. I certainly am not calling him a liar. This video is absolute proof that part of what he said happened, happened.

There are the moved goalposts! Bennett “gives his side of the story”, we’re told “wait to see if there’s any video evidence” to support what NO ONE has any real need to doubt — that a tough guy with a badge and a gun decides that the large guy running away from gun shots is the perp and gets all heavy — video evidence

Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the

We believe some people without any evidence, and don’t believe others without all the evidence in the world.

My favorite thing ever written about Klis:

“You could pay a 19 year old intern to do everything Klis doesn’t do: research stories, cite facts, and maybe form an opinion that isn’t from the point of view of a pink/orange hat homer that blows a kiss to John Elway’s Starting Lineup figure every night. Klis will be the

Oddly enough, I wonder if it isn’t better for Kaepernick if he is never signed again. With each dismal NFL quarterback signing, it becomes clearer that he is being persecuted for his stance on police brutality in communities of color, and thus his reputation grows in the activist community. He can grow his stature as

I am filled with Lamentations over this.

Second-class fighter who has the undisputed best professional record in boxing history. Yeah... ok. Boring fighter definitely, but he fights his fights to win, not to entertain. This was ironically probably one of his most entertaining fights in years because ya boy was literally no threat to him.I didn’t see one hit

This is something I’ve looked into in the past, and am fascinated with. The science shows that taking those “little” hits to the head- like, say, a young boxer sparring, or a football player tackling an opponent- add up pretty quickly. The big hits, the concussion-causing hits, are bad. Very bad. But they aren’t as

Must have missed deadspins last prediction.

This guy

Maybe McGrath would feel more comfortable if the towel were a sheet instead.