
From the statements you linked, isn’t that $3.4 billion for R&D just for the quarter ending Dec. 30, 2017, not the 2018 FY?

See, the thing about financial statements is, you have to read them properly. Cjboffoli is talking about R&D in the whole year, while your number only refers to a single quarter.

Unfortunately, the $3.4 billion is for Q4 2017 (i.e. only three months of activity); this is noted explicitly at the top of the column with “Three Months Ended”. It’s the wrong year regardless, but that would equate to $13.6 billion on an annualized basis.  Not an Apple fan/investor, just a bored finance guy.

Yeah Microsoft is going hard on their enterprise offerings. 

Absurd! I happen to have a detailed breakdown of their R&D spending:

That’s a quarterly report, the poster was referring to annual R&D.

If by 3.4 billion you mean $14.2 billion, yes.

You know that’s a quarterly statement, right? The actual # is north of $14B.

and it also doesnt make your point relevant.

A Tesla what?

You also forget that a Tesla does not have an engine under the front hood, that is one or two more passengers right there.

Sometimes the light at the end of a tunnel is a train.

It didn't go in because somebody finally made the whole plane out of the black box.

Backspin is not allowed on Deadspin.

Depends.  Are you trying to have traditional intercourse, or are you endeavoring to engage in “pups in a tub?”

Gotta use more topspin, pal.

“It’s a jungle,” a player said. “And when you have money, it’s even worse.”

I ripped the mask off so many faces.

I was listening to a podcast recently that described an executioner in 19th (maybe 18th, I forget the time frame) century England, who drew huge crowds (red flag #1) to his particular executions because he used a shorter rope than other executioners (meaning a longer strangulation death for the condemned, rather than