
Don’t tread on me!

But by all means, beat the piss out of my sister.

I agree. I’m fine with players hitting and raping women. But don’t disrespect Merica.

Lucky for this bar brawling, boob-grabbing domestic abuser that he didn’t take a knee during the anthem, or his career would be over.

A close call, I think we can all agree.

Hey now, he just wants more ideological diversity. So Google should hire more conservatives!

Animosity on my part can only be perceived by someone who has a strong persecution complex.

I have plenty of self-awareness. Which is why I don’t go around telling people what they should and should not be defending.

It’s almost like he took The Bell Curve at face value long after everyone else figured out it was bullshit. I wonder how he feels about The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

I will make sure to get your approval next time I express a dissenting opinion lest I fail to follow your arbitrary rules of what are correct and incorrect ways of writing comments on the Internet.

Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.

It’s actually funny, cause a century ago, women consistently scored lower on IQ tests than men. Then we started formally educating women and they entered the paid workforce, and their IQs shot up. They are now consistently a touch higher than mens’ IQ scores.

Peter blablabla is also expressing a dissenting opinion. Irony right there.

is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

Right! It’s almost like people who go to better schools and are exposed to more educated people in their immediate vicinities and interactions might have an opportunity to increase their IQs that someone less advantaged wouldn’t. Not like anyone is born with a 170

  • This person just hits all the Conservative checkpoints.

Yeah, he makes it a few words before leaning HARD onto trite and painfully incorrect stereotypes. I was sort of proud.

I would generally say that any person who brings up IQ “differences between people” is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t endorse using stereotypes.

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

TL;DR: Cocaine may induce manic episodes (including rambling manifestos) with delusions of grandeur.

That’s a lot of big words from someone who thinks the TL;DR goes at the beginning of a wall of text.