
And what a journey that was.

This guy is *definitely* married into the Harbaugh family.

(what is up with the apostrophe used in the article?)

I also appreciated Yards Against Urbanity.

Also a columnist for the Post-Intelligencer.

*Checks watch*

The only upside about going to Midnight Mass is hearing the choir do “Angeles We Have Heard on High.”

Worth it to troll Jeff Fisher, even if Fisher’s watching from home.

I didn’t even consider that; now I’m interested in watching racing! I always thought the coolest sequence was any close jet fly-by in a movie. This seems like that effect, but perpetual.

I didn’t even consider that; now I’m interested in watching racing! I always thought the coolest sequence was any

The best is when the sound mixers of sports matchups (usually NFL productions are the best here, especially NBC) do a really good job of mixing in mic’d up crowd noise into the side/rear speakers. You hear individual cheers and epithets and boos and feel like you’re surrounded by celebrating/irate/pissed off fans.

The best is when the sound mixers of sports matchups (usually NFL productions are the best here, especially NBC) do

That’s it! Thank you.

Just wanted to say this is my home audio setup and I love it. Surround sound adds to the viewing experience so much. Not just movies, but everything from crowd noise and loud hits in football games to even spicing up commercials. Yeah, commercials.

Just wanted to say this is my home audio setup and I love it. Surround sound adds to the viewing experience so much.

I’m too lazy to Google it, but one of them was doing an AMA on Reddit when the other shows up in the comments to share funny stories. Good stuff.

As a Jeopardy! nerd, it’s been fun watching him and Brad Rutter strategically position themselves to take over for Trebek whenever he decides to hang up his suit.

Seems too smart to be Trump. But I like it.

I guess the question I’m asked the most often is: “When you were sitting in that space capsule listening to the count-down, how did you feel?” I felt exactly how you would feel if you were getting ready to launch and knew you were sitting on top of two million parts — all built by the lowest bidder on a government

If it’s Sully we’re talking about here, these things aren’t mutually exclusive.

The only way to tie a scarf.

Procedural question here: would this be a story that Keown pitched, or something his editors assigned him?

wearing an ascot and toting a glass of wine.