
Almost like this site (well, its previous incarnation) promoted that as a reason not to be pro-Hillary.

Hillary Clinton was portrayed as a bitch (no disrespect intended). She should have been a blood thirsty ball busting bitch.

I’m not sure how that’s faded from the conversation (rather, it’s just been accepted).

She collapsed in NY. A place she literally didn’t need to step foot in after the primary.

You’re absolutely right. I’m assuming the typical Lifehacker reader has some type of office job or anything involving heavy use of computers, in which case having a general sense of what’s at fault when something goes awry (and a general sense of where to look to fix it) is key.

You say this like it’s a bad thing.

I see this as a feature and not a bug. There’s such a huge DIY PC-building community out there that >95% of problems one could run into has likely already been asked several times over, diagnosed, and solved – and can be found via Google or Reddit.

Yeah really. People tuning out of news they don’t want to see/read is what got us in this mess in the first place.

How does one get through a Thanksgiving with in-laws when/where booze is hard to procure?

Others have linked to the large map you requested. I also really like this one, where the height of the bars represents voter density.

Urban areas, which are much more diverse, are blue (I don’t know that stats for 2016, but in 2012, only 4 metro areas went for Romney... Salt Lake City, Phoenix, OKC, and Fort Worth).

Learn the rules ya ding dong.

Wow, perhaps you could tell us more about this Seattle institution that’s never-ever been featured on national TV before, be it the Real World or SNF outtros?

You think your racist Tea Party uncle is gonna chill the fuck out after Clinton wins?

Yep, you’re right. Chambliss’ campaign against Cleland was the proof-of-concept.

That was sickening. But wasn’t that presaged by Kerry being swift boated? Granted, Cleland’a situation was worse (iirc), but I think the swift boat thing showed that vets weren’t untouchable when you build a voter base that selectively accepts/decides “the truth.”

That’s fucking nuts. Fucking. Nuts.

This kid’s got a strong moral compass that’s about to be compromised — or at least challenged — by the system (he’ll get unduly punished and, logically, wonder about the unfairness of it all). How do we look out for him? Kid deserves a better lot in life.

Bruce Lee was pretty badass.

Well, I’m an idiot and somehow missed the big headline in bold type. My bad.