
And here I thought San Diego only employed bartenders and restaurant servers. Totally forgot about the beauticians!

San Diego, other than having the best Mexican food, is a cultural backwater with few career opportunities. Great if you want to be a bartender/server or serve in the Navy, however.

“Bigger” in the same way Jacksonville is “bigger” than Miami.

Ditto San Diego.

San Diego above Seattle? Come on.

“Resisting arrest” is shorthand for the full law entitled “750.81d Assaulting, battering, resisting, obstructing, opposing person performing duty; felony; penalty; other violations; consecutive terms; definitions.”

“Resisting arrest” is lay shorthand for “resisting and obstructing,” which under Michigan (and most everywhere) law, means failure to comply with the officer’s orders.

It’s an infraction (like, say, running a stop sign). Resisting & obstructing, however, under Michigan law, is an arrestable offense.

Because under Michigan law, merely “knowing failure to comply with a lawful command” allows the cop to arrest.

Falafel is obviously tops, but for someone who’s veggie game is really lacking, should I be ashamed for thinking Gardenburgers are actually pretty good? Asking for a friend.*

However, the commentary rings a bit hollow coming from a player who doesn’t have the self awareness to realize that he is “just a pawn.”

No. That’s not reasonable... except for this moment when you want it to be reasonable. Then you move the goalposts for your argument.

Look, you have a point. But if it’s Sherman vs. Goodell, who does history tell us is probably the smarter bet here?

Are non-disparagement clauses actually enforceable?

There are various write-ups summarizing oral arguments that day noting “several members of the Court were puzzled by what they deemed an inadequate record on that point” (this quote being lifted from SCOTUSblog). It’s a real and unfortunate oversight on the part of the petitioners that weakens their case.

Kagan is incredible in just about every aspect. From her clear, forceful writing to being super quick and winsome in oral arguments.

“Is it right,” she asks Toti (note: lawyer for Texas)

Thank you for this (and I’m glad it’s received so many stars). Anyone who listened to that argument saw that Breyer had certainly the most forceful – and arguably the most effective – takedowns of Texas’ SG.

It seems to me he was just doing it to hedge the offensiveness of his political views for his conservative fans. He makes it pretty clear he’s a Hillary/Bernie fan, but giving the middle finger to the ~40% (or whatever amount it is) of your fan base that disagrees with you politically is ill-advised.