As an Angeleno, I’m passionately against Waze (though I loved the crowdsourced idea of traffic data and cop/accident reporting initially as genius).
As an Angeleno, I’m passionately against Waze (though I loved the crowdsourced idea of traffic data and cop/accident reporting initially as genius).
“This plane’s on a course for that mountainside,* but the captains’s in the lavatory and I’m only a co-pilot.”
My ADD gives me only so much attention, but it was fun to have serendipitously clicked on a snippet where Perot debunked trickle-down economics.
“We take responsibility” is, quite clearly, the active voice. Pluralizing the first person (to reflect all of SB Nation) does not make it passive even if it dilutes Lockland’s personal liability.
If I wasn’t a developer, the killer app for me would be iMessage. It’s so much easier to fire away texts with a full keyboard rather than my phone.
Pete Carroll’s trying to propagate that method.…
This is my view as well. I’ll happily vote for whichever gets the nomination, but Bernie’s ideological purity is an asset philosophically which appeals to those naive about the machinations of how DC works. In practice, however, it’s a liability.
and Obama got quite a lot done.
I’ve never highlighted a book (even on Kindle, where highlighting is as simple as selecting text) so much in my life so that I could keep coming back to certain, impactful notions.
Super late to the party here, but just wanted to say kudos for posting this. I’ve read the book a couple times and somehow I missed the impact of that line. You’re totally right when you say projecting charisma is more than just a few body language gestures.
“Oh my God” is a good summation of that story! Then again, it’s hard to blame Jackson here. He certainly didn’t know the father was intent on keeping things hush hush. Which raises the question of, if so, why did the dad share that fact with the Cubs?
Wow. Just responded to OP that his situation described me and Infinite Jest.
Hey, that’s me and Infinite Jest.
You’re so right. Until one works from home steadily, the mental barrier of “getting to” work and that it’s a separate place from home doesn’t create the necessary, separate work mindset (at least not for me). Too many distractions at home exist that don’t at the office – both physical/tangible distractions and…
Weddle was always such a classy guy too. The way he went above and beyond to reach out to fans not only endeared him to them, but also likely made the Chargers a fair amount of money too (greater #brand affinity, more jersey sales, etc.).
If you think UCLA will win the recruiting war against USC (in general, let alone based on that dubious thesis)... good luck to you in life?
Does he know how to make predictions based on appropriate sample sizes?
You mean former doormat salesman*, Jim Tomsula.
I. love. this.
You’re getting a lot of shit for your first post (which implied that you’re unfamiliar with the various mic setups for a game, let alone an SNF one), despite you clearing up that you’re obviously much more familiar with sound engineering, broadcast rights, and how the sausage of both an NBC-SNF and NFL Films broadcast…