
Ligue 1 imposes much stricter financial controls than other European clubs, especially with regard to debt.

The super old-timey ones (e.g. 1916 NY Giants) are actually somewhat badass.

Gahhh. I meant "you're not* thinking about the net expense of incarceration." And now I've replied to myself.

Yes, it costs way more to prosecute and jail speeders than it does to levy fines.

Same experience. It is the worst. The worst.

Just wrote a similar comment after having gone through a similar experience. I totally forgot about what a time-suck hassle it was dealing with it *after* having been released. Moreover, navigating the court system is nearly impossible without an attorney and I have no idea how those without the financial wherewithal

Just want to chime in with words of support Patrick and concur that jail is the worst, mainly on account of expectations being so mismatched with reality. On day #3 when they didn't have your name on the release schedule and all you felt was despair... I know the feeling.

If you're only drinking socially, it seems like any further improvement from booze reduction would only be marginal. I'd imagine you'd have to be boozing (even if just lightly) on a more regular basis to really affect T-levels negatively.

A real hero, that Slungpue.

Same here. It's weird... a social anxiety of sorts that only applies to phone calls. Amazon has been a godsend.

No, she was Hitler as soon as she pulled out the checkbook. The situation you describe... words, history, neither provide an adequate description nor allegory for this level of evil.

and it's my universal "away from the computer" device.

Facebook sucks. Got it way before it was cool.

This is such a great idea. I'm somewhat horrified at the idea of showing up to a business meeting smelly, so I've been reduced to using facial toner w/circular cotton pads for airport-to-conference room touchups. This is so much less emasculating, and mint is invigorating.

I know this is almost a year later, but as someone who's recently discovered his writing, I just wanted to chime in and say "Yes. Yes he is."

We can't dismiss future technology in the present, no, but we can probably dismiss future helmets.

Just discovered his writing via his Grantland dispatches from the World Cup. They're nothing short of phenomenal.

I've been to Hakkasan once via a friend who coordinated the table thing for our group. I suppose we were on a good floor because, aside from the view, our promoter gave us a tour of the entire huge establishment — multiple levels, multiple rooms — and led off with such memorable zingers as "this is the ____ floor.

It's odd because Hakkasan is sort of considered to be tops at the moment (at least in Vegas, not sure how that compares to NYC)... and yet, his promotion of it and geenral vibe comes off as desperate.

Now this is where it gets a little muddy: Those private companies are obligated to pay the government back on a given timeline, but since many times those bonds aren't taxed the city or county or state is forfeiting a few decades of future revenue and dealing with the decaying value of currency based on whenever they