The other Angelina commenting isn't doing much to disprove your point, eh?
The other Angelina commenting isn't doing much to disprove your point, eh?
As a guy, I've learned the answer is to point to your face and say "sit on it."
Right, obviously. It's not like an explanation could be that you have overly-delicate sensibilities and/or some off inability to admit "my bad, I totally asked a question that was already answered."
Frankly, I'm just glad you were able to understand what I wrote.
Obv not Kobe, and obviously said in a joking manner.
"So, no, I'm not super jazzed about the new trend of "female-friendly restaurants"—steakhouses and sports bars that "cater" to feminine tastes in an effort to stock the place with hot drunk chicks. In other words, a bait-and-switch."
The irony of getting on a high horse about being properly deferential in retail... it kills me.
Seriously. Anyone who's spent any meaningful amount of time in retail has enough horror stories to never seriously suggest "well why didn't you just approach this situation rationally?"
Reading comprehension much?
Eccentric isn't being used as a stand-in for gay/bi... his album is indeed comparatively (to other r&b artists) eccentric.
Me too! And agreed on efficacy/wonderfulness.
I really like your perspective.
True, though introversion does imply less experience/interaction with women. Which means that if a cute girl latches on to him (virtually?) — assuming he wasn't in on this from the start — he's more likely to dive-in head first.
Oh come now. FF4 (aka FF2 on SNES) was the best. That and Earthbound.
Agreed. I'd bet most huge lies started as banal, white lies which just snowballed. After a certain point, the person crosses a line where there's no turning back without a shitstorm ensuing.