The problem with fat shaming is that we lack the knowledge to diagnose who has a thyroid/other issue going on (so their weight is somewhat out of their hands), and who just lacks self control in that department.
The problem with fat shaming is that we lack the knowledge to diagnose who has a thyroid/other issue going on (so their weight is somewhat out of their hands), and who just lacks self control in that department.
I hate to be the jackass, "um, no kidding" guy but the statement " Some people are even able to tell their candles have been extinguished without looking because the scent of wax rises so sharply" deserves an "um, no kidding."
It's both baffling and inspiring (from like a greedy, get-rich-quick perspective) how juice cleanses manages to make so many educated people (with disposable income to spare) throw out all the science education they've received and become semi-masochists.
But... he has a point.
Interesting that Pete Thamel is name-checked. He did superb sports writing for the NYT before defecting to SI. I guess SI doesn't insist on the same fact checking?
slow clap.
Uh, the "after" pic of Kristen Stewart looks even less like a boob job. Is InTouch written by people living under rocks? What an ironic name.
Er, no.
"We still don't know what goes into calculating or accumulating Fuel points..."
You CAN'T?!?
Very thought provoking.
+ 1,000
This times a million. Everyone points out the correlation between European gun control laws and their low rate of gun sprees. Sure, but perhaps the answer lies more so in their ease of access to mental health services.
How are you 195 and having trouble fitting into a B? I'm 190 and there's plenty of clearance.
Well if there's any comment and response thread that reinforces men being from Mars and women Venus...
Honestly. You are Nostradamus.