
Didn’t Wolffe have access to Trump? Apparently they were buds from NY gossip days and he was given entree into the White House. That said, I agree. This would carry more weight if it didn’t have that Kitty Kelley type source (or whatever her name was).

According to the Mooch, Bannon only fucks Bannon.

Rose is the person who shows Finn the meaning of what they’re fighting for, first by pointing out all the oppressed people who support the glamorous lifestyle of Canto Bight, then by selflessly sacrificing her sister’s medallion, then on Crait. It’s through her that Finn realizes the resistance is a fight worth having

Not really shitting on the old trilogy, but the shout out to HARDWARE WARS with the iron press that looks like a ship landing was cool, and when they put the square trash can over BB8 and he resembled those roving droids on the Death Star was a nice wink to the old trilogy.

I see this as the PRISONER OF AZKABAN to Force Awakens’s CHAMBER OF SECRETS. The first one introduced our characters, but LAST JEDI started telling their life stories.

I just watched the movie again tonight and that moment still sends a chill through me. Probably the longest moment of silence in a Star Wars movie.

I think my favorite part of this sequence was right at the start. RJ uses a bit of slow motion to get Rey and Kylo to face the guards (I don’t know why but my eyes focused directly on Daisy Ridley’s hair swaying over her shoulder) then launching them into regular speed. It could’ve come off Zack Snyder bad, but

When we say “Force grab” we mean Vader choking people, right? Doesn’t he do that in ANH to that guy who mouths off about “sorcerer’s ways”? That did not first appear in EMPIRE.

I’m torn about this. Yeah, the tax bill is shit. I’m worried about the individual mandate repeal and the Arctic wildlife drilling. But at the same time, it sounds like the death knell for the GOP congress, so maybe some good will come of it.

I would’ve been disappointed if they brought Luke back just to make him Gandalf 2.0. Instead, they made him a character filled with regret and self doubt. It made him more human, and the story more human.

My guess, and that’s all it is, is that Rian passed on IX when he got the option of doing a new trilogy. Likely, he didn’t want to be chained to one set of movie for a decade. He’s probably going to go off and do one of his small indie films now before jumping back into Star Wars.

I’ve only seen the movie once so maybe I’m not remembering correctly, but wasn’t Luke’s whole point (reaffirmed by the Yoda scene) that the Jedi order shouldn’t figure into the Force anymore, that it should be more egalitarian. I thought that was the point of Yoda’s beautiful line, “We are what they grow beyond”.

Yeah, I’d be surprised if Ep IX didn’t include a slave revolt of Force sensitive types led by Rey. The stuff about Canto Bight all ties into that. I guess JJ could fuck it up and just plug in another Death Star, but I hope he’s got bigger balls than that.

I’m sure they would;ve walked out of EMPIRE and said “Making Vader Luke’s father ruins Obi Wan’s legacy! Let’s start a petition!”

I hope that meeting with his lawyers is to find out a good date to question him under oath on camera a la Clinton. And they have to release it to the public so everyone can see him shit his pants as he’s confronted with and caught in lie after lie. That would be the second most watched tape in human history, after the

Someone took the red and blue pill.

I loved it. There are definitely bold choices but most of them pay off. I think this was the first time I watched a Star Wars movie where I was really unsure of what I was going to get, but I think after 8 films, it’s good it can still feel the same and yet surprise you. There are flaws, mostly with Del Toro

That was the moment I realized this wasn’t your father’s Star Wars. No way any previous movie would’ve attempted that float back from space. But they sold it. My guess is that the opening crawl of IX will be “General Leia has died”, or something like that, and Poe is now commanding the resistance.

Yeah, I don’t know what the fuck the RT audience score is, but they gave Justice League an 80%, so...yeah, the internet gonna internet and some SW fans are gonna bitch because that’s what they’re born to do. I personally loved it. It takes a lot of bold choices and most work. If it makes you feel any better, this is

“Independently Wealthy Men Giving Money to Independently Wealthy Men: A Love Story.”