
Does ruining Steve Bannon’s night make it better?

This is unlikely to effect the tax bill since Jones won’t be seated before Jan 3rd and that thing probably gets voted on next week.

Oh, Jerry would have my vote in a heartbeat. HE’s been a great governor out here after the Schwarzenegger debacle. But, yeah, he’s way too old.

I pretty much agree with your assessment. Frankly, the Dems would be wise to pick someone not in Congress. I think our mayor Eric Garcetti is thinking of running. Right idea, maybe not right candidate.

Phil Kauffman had a pretty incredible run with Invasions, RIGHT STUFF, and UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS. But after that, the light switch just seemed to go off. Literally, did he ever make a good movie again? I guess QUILLS was decent, but it sure wasn’t anywhere in the stratosphere of those three early films.

I can imagine Moore writing that into a yearbook at some point.

Some tweets have already addressed this and said it’s nothing like EMPIRE.

This dude thought The Handmaid’s Tale was an instruction manual.

Sarah Fuckabee Sanders lecturing John Lewis about civil rights was my Fist In The Wall moment for the day.

Eh, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s getting a little something-something from Sheldon Adelson.

Why not both?

And Lionsgate just sold back a movie about John Gotti starring John Travolta literally days before its release. Way more to that story we don’t know yet (though some have speculated it might involve the film’s director).

I was wondering how far Netflix was willing to go for Danny Fucking Masterson.

She has a good point. What about all the banks Jesse James didn’t rob?

I think all the men who’ve accused Bryan Singer in the past and been dismissed as gold digging opportunist might disagree with you.

Worse yet, I don’t think it’ll be even as close as the polls suggest.

I guarantee you this won’t be the worst thing he does this week.

I’m sure a female or minority director would be given the same Disappear from Movie Set Three Times allowance card.

That’s its been almost a year and Trump is still in the process of undoing everything Obama did only makes me realize how much good shit Obama did.

That 25 mile flight across the border takes time.