
If you go up the I-5 between Los Angeles and San Francisco, it’s pretty much where a lot of them congregate. Fresno is the home city of Devin Nunes, after all.

Ugh. Why do all the racists get to populate all the most beautiful places?

I say this every time someone tells me they loved “Sixteen Candles”.

Also never used Scotch tape to hold his cloak together.

But a great Republican nominee.

Nothing is impeachable if Congress doesn’t do anything, and this Congress will do nothing.

Not after sleeping on it for 24 hours.

“Assad choked out the lives of men, women, and children”

I guess the first gas attack and the barrel bombs weren’t enough of a deal breaker.

At least his sons don’t pretend to like the rest of us peasants in America. She’s just saying this crap to get her liberal NY social circle to get off her back. That’s her only audience.

Poor guy. He just wants to give his friends a big fat tax cut and get all that sweet Iraqi oil, but now someone wants to start a nuclear war on his watch.

Actually, once his term is up, I’m all for scrubbing him entirely from the history books.

Wouldn’t Trump just pardon whoever took the fall?

If Pence goes, too, then we get....President Ryan.

I hope the FBI knows he has the goods on a big fish, preferably a big, bloated orange one. Otherwise, don’t let this guy off the hook. Lock him up!

It needs its own monument.

W without Cheney might be tolerable. Might be. Definitely an upgrade over Easy D.

Cabinet meetings just got more interesting.

Not if he keeps making movies like “Noah”.