
Entertainment Weekly had a really gut wrenching article last week about Rebecca Schaeffer, the actress murdered by a crazed fan when she answered her door and tried to be nice to him. Hopefully, cops find this guy.

Nun’s health issue is called “spineless lap dog”.

As someone pointed out today, in DC comics world, when Lex Luthor became president, he sold LexCorp so there would be no appearance of a conflict. Yes, our president has less morals than Lex Luthor.

Not to mention they previously passed a repeal of the ACA 6o times. They could’ve done just that, except by their own admission, they were afraid the idiot in the White House would actually be stupid enough to sign it.

No one will ever convince me they’re not the same person

Hopefully Merkel will take a cue from Trump whenever a vendor handed him an invoice and refuse to pay it.

If Tangerine Taint really meant this as a way to deliver shade to Ryan, then he’s a bigger coward than I thought: Like, the guy can’t man up and just tell Ryan this himself. He needs to get passive aggressive and have a third party do it?

Because McCain as senator is all talk and no walk.

It’s from his last WH Correspondence dinner.

This shit burger of a bill is going to pass because no one ever lost money betting against the courage of a Congressman.

When Trump said “You’re going to get tired of all this winning”, I didn’t realize he was talking to the resistance.

He’s holding a funeral for the aborted Trump presidency.

When most of his base think the ACA and Obamacare are two different things, then, yeah, I can believe it. I can even believe he’ll likely get re-elected.

That guy is all of America right now.

Lots of this going on in the WH nowadays

Because if a Cuban Missile type crisis happens, who else would you want ready to advise the president and generals than a handbag designer?

Being a conservative in Hollywood is so hard, just ask ostracized talent like Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson.

That woman is exactly why Trump is going to get re-elected.

On a recent episode of the podcast “Pod Save America”, a Dem Congressman (sorry, forgot his name) talked about how he talks to Republicans in the House gym and how they all talk about how nuts Trump is. But when they put on their suit and walk up to a camera, everybody falls in line. I don’t expect Trump’s budget to

The “waste” the Tea Baggers are screaming about is any money spent on minorities. When it comes to money spent on them, they love it.