
Or he hates powerful women he can’t boss around.

Trump really is that 6 year old who told a whopper of a lie and is now trying to squirm out of it. Also, he’s the guy we have to trust to handle North Korea.

Not to let the Tangerine Taint off the hook, but I doubt he even knows what’s in the budget. This is the Bannon Budget. And no way it ever passes Congress.

I think what confounds some people is that it’s rare, if not unheard of, that someone in the entertainment industry would just drop out before their time. Walking away to be happy, and on your own terms,is just not a concept that computes for a lot of people in the entertainment world.

I’m very confident a year from now Spicey will be back to his Easter Bunny gig.

She was doing some good reporting on Russia, but now she’s going to be saddled with that image of her waving those tax forms around. That may have been Trump World’s intent, all along. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she and the network hadn’t overhyped them, so they could be put into proper context.

And how quickly came out leads me to believe Trump World set her up to deliver the news that “Trump paid taxes”. Seriously, when have you known this WH to be organized enough to have a statement ready that fast?

Sounds more and more like Trump World set her up.

I cleared $60,000 one year and I felt like a king. :(

I guess if it adds a piece to the overall puzzle, it’s a good thing? Until we know the sources of income, and if there are any foreign ties like Russia, this seems like much ado about not much. Instead, all the headlines are “Trump paid taxes”, which lends credence that someone in Trump World released them. The

That happens when you haven’t done a day’s work in your entire life.

If people think this stops at the ACA, they’re kidding themselves. This is Ryan’s experiment to see if he can take away an entitlement without paying any consequences. If he gets away with this, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security will be the next to fall. I’d like to think he’s fucked either way: Renege on a

To be fair, he usually covers his face.

As upcoming female driven action movies go, I’d say this falls somewhere between the must see of Atomic Blonde and the shoulder shrug of Aeon Flux. It looks good, but the slo-mo/bullet time action stuff is never not grating.

I watched it again a couple of years ago. It moves very well, but you’re right about the effects. All CGI ages badly, and this franchise’s time seems to have passed. But I’ve also learned not to bet against Cameron. He’s had the last laugh too many times.

“Intended” implies there’s calculation behind his actions. There is none. He’s just an immature dickhead with no impulse control.

I thought Mexico was paying for it.

In screenwriting, this is called a “plot hole”.

He said he thinks “Obama likes me”. The guy is so desperate to be liked by everyone, it’s just driving him insane every time he sees Obama walking out of a Starbucks and hundreds of people applauding him.