
And a dude. Unless you admit to tickling interns, you’re good.

Lock him one of those private prisons he’s so fond of.

The ol’ boys club will protect him.

“Capital P Presidential” - Katy Tur, NBC.

If Jones had added “because people are dumb” to the end of his sentence, I wouldn’t have an issue with what he said.

Not even one speech. 90 seconds.

The fawning over this speech by the pundits is just vomit inducing. Van Jones just declared Trump’s shout out to the Yemen raid soldier’s widow one of the greatest moments in presidential speech history, and his ticket to being a two term president. I think his exact words were “He became president of the United

NPR also has been known to describe his press conferences as “charming and funny”. Fuck NPR and their obsessive desire to not offend anyone (i.e., do journalism).

But my checks all say “George Soros”....

The conclusion will be: Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd ever.

If only one person had just spoken up about how hard health care reform would be:

Yeah, watching the whole clip again, it absolutely wasn’t either of their fault. Dunaway maybe jumped the gun a little, but she likely just saw La La Land under Emma Stone’s name and said it. Beatty definitely was trying to ask for help when she blurted it out. It sucks that now they’re being mocked as senile, or

Look at the clip again: Beatty clearly knew there was a screw up. He even looks off stage for help. It’s Dunaway who jumped the gun and just said La La Land. I doubt it’s either of their fault. Clearly, they got handed the wrong card and the wrong movie was on the prompter (or they didn’t verify it).

Hillary had the best reaction.

Did the PRice/Waterhouse guys catch it? It looks like the La La Land producers did. At least, I didn’t see anyone official running out to stop it.

Brie Larson looked so happy she doesn’t have to hand any more awards to him.

I think we should forget focusing on getting Trump impeached. He could literally scribble the nuclear codes and hand them to Putin in public and the Mitch and Paul show would shrug it off as long as he keeps signing off on their wet dream legislation. A better idea is focus on turning 35 House seats in 2018 and using

This looks less like a sequel to Prometheus and more like a do-over.

But...but...the “Support Our Troops” bumper stickers. Isn’t that enough for you?

Remember: Hillary is just as bad.