
Yeah, the easiest thing in the world is to condemn bigotry and hate crimes. I mean, even if it’s just lip service, it’s a fast ball down the middle. Yet he still wiffed it.

As long as he doesn’t believe Comet pizza is a front for a pedophile ring run by Hillary Clinton, he’s an upgrade.

So is Emma Stone’s singing voice and she’s one week away from winning an Oscar.

Damn, I remember when Malick was a world class director who tackled big themes like crime (Badlands), sin (Days of Heaven), war (Thin Red Line), the origins of life (Tree of Life), and colonialism (New World). Now, he just makes movies about beautiful, mopey people. He’s quickly becoming a parody of himself.

He has a 90% approval rating from Republicans, so my guess is “never”. As long as he does and signs whatever they want, he can sound as nuts as he wants.

Is A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE any good? I’ve tried to watch it twice and quit after five minutes both times, but everyone says it’s good.

The only thing that makes CNN like “fake news” is that they employed Jeffrey Lord and Corey Lewandowski.

Good thing no one will have health care.

Ugh...and Mara Liasson at NPR described Trump as “by turns charming and funny” and I wanted to punch the radio. I must live in an alternate universe when crazy pants ranting and raving and racism and conspiracy theories and lies are even remotely “charming and funny”.

He literally said “Obama” twenty times and Trump about two or three. There clearly seems to be a talking point released that says “the intel was illegally obtained” and “Blame Obama”.

Some GOP Congressional ass was just on CNN barking about how awful it is that a private citizen like Flynn in December was spied on. Thankfully, Don Lemon was smart enough to correct him that they were routine taps on the Russian ambassador and Flynn was the moron who walked into the trap. Yes. I said “Don Lemon was

Not until Trump gets a blow job. (shudder)

Agree. The feeling I get is that Conway is just in it for status and money. Miller wants to hurt people.

What scares me is that the next two likely to go are Spicer - basically a harmless punch line right now - and Priebus, who, for all his obnoxiousness, at least has one foot in reality. That would leave the crazies like Bannon and Miller to run the entire ship. When Mattis and Tillerson seem like the normal ones,

Never forget.

There was some chatter that Evan McMullin might challenge him but I haven’t heard anything in awhile. Is Chafffetz even up for re-election in 2018?

I’ll bet that was deliberate, like Dump showing off to the other millionaires just how important he is

Bernie would’ve beaten Adele.

Not if Bannon is the guy left standing, which looks likely. I’d be a lot less worried if someone like Priebus won this Game of Throne fight.

And apparently, he got debriefed on the NK missile test IN THE FUCKING RESTAURANT with dozens of people within ear shot. But at least he didn’t use a private email server!