
The stuff with the Chinese general was entirely made up for the movie. It wasn’t in the script (the version I read, anyway), and, yes, it felt awfully Inception-y. I liked the movie, but I found the ending morally reprehensible, both in the script and the final version.

The ACLU should hire her tonight!

TRUMP: Sally who?

It’s almost like they’re making this up as they go.

That hand on her ass is going to make Donald jealous.

“To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting,”

Yeah, I was thinking if that was his strategy, he’s already sabotaged himself.

Not a legal expert, but I wonder if by not including those countries, that’s his loophole to say this isn’t a Muslim ban, thus less likely to have the courts rule it unconstitutional.

People who can need to do what the Tea party did: Show up at Congress’ office doors. When they come home and hold town halls, show up there. The effectiveness of the phone call thing seems really hit and miss, depending on the representative you’re calling.

I heard some chatter on my Twitter feed about this, but nothing confirmed yet. If it is verified, it’s fucking insanity.

She came back on after deleting her account briefly to say she wasn’t mad at anyone and its no one’s fault, but that she was going to be really busy and would rather not have her face in her phone during her limited free time. But, yes, the impetus was a bunch of gun nut assholes slamming her for posting about victims

The way he’s going on about the voter fraud issue makes him sound like The Caine Mutiny’s Captain Queeg going on about the missing strawberries.

Seriously. Is there a limit on the number of “no’s” you can vote? Because someone should’ve told the Republicans that the past 8 years.

Someone told Trump about Posse Comitatus and he heard Pussy Cunnilingus.

He definitely sets the bar high for us guys.

Which, ironically, is almost the exact number of people who turned out at the marches around the country.

I used to think this, but I think he’ll stay the full term. The GOP have no incentive to kick him out since he’s basically a useful idiot they want only for his signature on their list of right wing wet dream policies. Short of nuking a country, nothing he does will ever be more important than that. And since the

“The only thing that’s the end of the world is the end of the world,”

Trump is just drawing names out of a hat, isn’t he?

Did the subject of apologizing to the Central Park 5 come up?