
I think it’s more a case of Trump saying whatever he think the person he’s in the room with wants to hear. The guy has zero ideology beyond making himself look good. I guess that means he can be somewhat pliable and easily influenced. The problem is the person who seems to be down the influencing is Pence.

Does this mean “Born In The U.S.A.” will now be performed by Chris Christie?

Considering he was elected to the White House AFTER getting caught bragging about pussy grabbing, he probably does think it’s cool.

You just know Trumpkin has no idea what Lewis’s district is, or is like, but just assumed “Hey, black guy, his area must be a shit hole.”

My guess is they’ll reshoot parts of VIII so they can have a smoother landing with her in IX, maybe even where they can use existing footage of her with some digital embellishments a la Paul Walker.

Well, thank God they’re only taking away Obamacare and not the ACA.

He also had his staff standing in the room to applaud him. It’s going to be a long fucking four years.

Bill O’Reilly level furious masturbating, I’d say.

And Sam Bee!


You know it’s bad when a guy once arrested for biting a police officer judges you.

Star Wars fans finding something to complain about? Crazy!!!

Wow, facts, instead of more knee jerk left wing defense of all things Russian, as if they were still the glorious communist paradise and not the authoritarian pile of oligarch shit.

Kubrick pretty much made up everything on set. Everything was certainly fluid while filming. He also discovered the movie while filming it. Is he a “real director”?

True, general audiences likely didn’t notice Tarkin, but resurrecting Carrie Fisher is a whole different ballgame than Peter Cushing. My guess is that Disney won’t even approach the family about doing CGI. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to do some reshoots on VIII and use outtakes to explain why her story

They reshot huge chunks of Rogue One months before the release, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility for them to rewrite scenes with Leia in VIII, and make the transition out smoother. They could even use some of the already shot footage and maybe do a Paul Walker thing and fill in holes.

Still better than Trump.

Its like one critic said: He doesn’t act. He flirts.

This is how the world dies...with two jerks in flannel pajamas sitting next to a fake fireplace.

“Save the rebellion! Save the dream!”