
Surgeon General. Watch.

He likely considers grabbing pussy an exercise.

The hospital in the Swiss mountain setting has an intriguing echo of Thomas Mann’s “Magic Mountain”, but otherwise this looks like a “Shutter Island” rip off.

Yeah to everything you said. Also, based on what Arnold is saying, it sounds like this was some taped on set blooper reel thing. His supporters would’ve just dismissed it as him joking around, more locker room talk.

He’s in a corner shitting his pants realizing that the job actually entails dealing with things more complex than whether or not to fire Gary Busey.

The first thing I thought of when I heard about Germany was a Putin conspiracy to further undermine Merkel. I’m not a conspiratorial type, but 2016 has me all kinds of messed up.

I read the script 3 years ago because everyone around me was telling me it was the best thing written in Hollywood in years. Afterwards, I thought I was losing my mind because there was just no way they were ever going to sell an audience on basically a concept that was more like “The Collector in space”. Kinda

I was really surprise by Jyn’s death. I held out for the “Rey’s mom” theory, I guess.

Uh...”The Bothan Dozen: A Star Wars Story” coming soon?

This is whats going to force a reevaluation of A NEW HOPE. Who were the real heroes: The grunts who died in the trenches without glory, their names forgotten to history, or the whiny, sister kissing farm boy?

I saw it at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood and it looked great to me, not at all washed out. Very clear blacks and great contrast. Easily the best photographed SW movie since EMPIRE.

Like one of their own said on cable news: “Facts don’t matter anymore.”

Here’s the thing: Analysts were predicting a 130-140 opening, and it did north of 155, so that’s a win, definitely. Was there as much buzz and enthusiasm all around for this? Probably not. Certainly not in my network of friends. The weeks leading up to FORCE was like a tsunami. This time, barely anyone mentioned it,

I was surprised how much they used Tarkin. I thought it’d be for a couple of quick moments, but they made him an actual component of the story.

I doubt it. Disney is already on record saying they don’t expect this to do FA numbers. It certainly doesn’t have the general public urgency around it that FA did, even though most everyone seems pretty pleased with it. It’s going to do 150+ this weekend, the second biggest in December ever behind FA’s $248. With

I’d love Jones in the role again, but I think this is really just studio’s covering their bases. I remember reading that Disney didn’t sign Keira Knightley for more Pirates movies because they didn’t think the first one would take off, and she was able to hold them hostage for the sequels.

I actually thought the father-daughter dynamic was really well done, esp. since they’re not really onscreen together much. I even wanted to know more about her and Saw. Felicity Jones was terrific in the role.

No Harrison Ford-Mark Hamill = Lower gross.

I agree about the music. It just fell into that typical modern day style of scoring where everything is OK, but mostly sounds like temp track.

Yeah, I didn’t mind it but io9 blew the surprise before the movie came out so I was ready for it. I’m uneasy with resurrecting deceased actors like this, but for what they needed, I thought it worked (I’m also sure the Cushing grandchildren got some good bank off grandpa’s image). The Leia thing happened so fast, it