
It’s even weirder that it seems like Swinton doesn’t have any Asian friends she could’ve asked for their opinions, but had to reach out to a stranger.

He’s busy yelling at Vanity Fair because his stupid restaurant got a bad review. Important stuff, you know?

There’s some chatter on my political twitter feed that this is exactly what Obama will say tomorrow at his year end press conference. Seems really incendiary to me, but we’ll all know soon enough.

Or Tweets it.

He’d send in the Special Forces.

Speaking is an effort for Trump, too.

Sherrod Brown. Hell, even Al Franken sounds promising.

The guy bragged about pussy grabbing, was sued for his fake “university”, admitted he doesn’t pay federal income tax, stiffed employees for years, and lost a billion dollars in one year, and he still won. America wants what it wants. 

Your friends Hillary experience sounds like my Kerry experience in 2004. Maybe there’s a reason they both lost and O won?

Honestly, if I was running against a guy who was caught saying he could grab women’s pussy without consent, ran a sham “university”, never paid taxes, and lost a billion dollars in one year, I’d thought I had it in the bag, too.

Republicans won’t impeach him until he signs the repeal of the ACA and Medicare. Give it a week.

This anecdote might help: Reportedly, the press screening in Chicago left many leaving the theater muttering “not for kids”.

Except Lucas has explicitly said the Vietnam War and Nixon were heavy influences on the creation of Star Wars. Just as George R. R. Martin has said much of Game of Thrones was influenced by his years growing up during the Vietnam War. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t also inspired by ancient mythology. Any work of art is

Hello! Ewoks = Vietcong!

The Iger Translation basically goes like this: Hey, white supremacists, we like your money, too.

And it wasn’t like Lucas hasn’t explicitly mentioned Star Wars and the Vietnam War in the same context. He actually saw it and American Graffiti and the then unmade Apocalypse Now as part of a trilogy examining the war.

Wasn’t Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter on the Blacklist? Pretty sure “Sleeping Beauty” was and that movie was unwatchable. They’re not all winners.

Ask our next Secretary of State, Johnny Ola.

It’s going to be so great if the guy who started the “lock her up” chant is the one who gets locked up.