
I get that she’s a DINO, but right now, she’s more likely to vote with Dems to stop a shitty SCOTUS nominee than any Republican senator will. I’ll take what I can get.

And Trump putting Heidi Heitkamp at the top of the list for Agriculture Secy could mean another Dem loss if she accepts.


You know who else had to tell everyone he was smart? Fredo Corleone.

Seems like Disney was eager to avoid another Josh Trank situation, and Edwards - not wanting to burn his bridges - has decided to play along.

I fully expect him to nominate someone for SoS who has never had a passport.

I want her alive so when Trump inevitably crashes and burns, we can go to her for a comment.

One of the problems with the ACA is that it saved my moms life, allowing her to see a doctor for the first time in her life and getting her the preventive diagnosis for a problem that could’ve been life threatening. So, yeah, needs fixing, but also needs defending.

He doesn’t get briefings because #TrumpCantRead.

If he’s allied with Trump, there’s something wrong with him. We just haven’t found out what it is yet.

At least Susan Sarandon is getting her revolution, or whatever this is.

Glad that meeting with Al Gore had such an effect on Trump.

I’m honestly less worried about the China/Taiwan thing than I am about the whole Putin/NATO thing. If Trump follows through and guts NATO, he essentially gives Putin a free hand to start expanding Russia’s borders again. That is scary business.

How much Viagra does 140,000 buy, Senator Dole?

Like Corey Lewandowski, I’ll bet he’s back once the heat dies down.

“But at least his jackass son is out of the way.”

I don’t think people are so much worried about Trump’s lack of government experience as they are about his general tendency toward racism, misogyny, cronyism, and general assholery, all qualities the Divine Miss O is missing.

When you consider some of that new leadership looks like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, I’d take any of the old school country club Republicans back.

That was the good CRASH. This is about the bad CRASH.