
Can we bury this notion that Kershaw is the best pitcher in baseball? When he has to face good team after good team in the post season, the guy is a train wreck.

Friend of mine drives for Uber and he says the same thing about tips: the best ones are from the working class people, those who are just trying to get home from their shifts at a fast food place, or whatever. Tourists are also good. The worse ones, the ones who almost never tip, are the rich Beverly Hills types and

Like he was going to sue the NY Times for their tax dodge story?

Probably better than “Pokemon Go Vote”.

He paces around bouncing a tennis ball off the walls muttering “redrum”.


What’s French for “nasty”?

I just don’t see him making the traditional concession phone call to Clinton. He’ll probably have Melania do it.

I think it’s the single most mesmerizing photo Pete Souza ever took during the Obama presidency, and he took some great ones (also a winner: The one when Obama heard about the Newtown shootings).

He went from being a rabid Clinton supporter in ‘08, to hating Obama, to voting for McCain, to declaring Palin smarter than Obama, to supporting Mitt and now completing the circle by supporting Trump OVER Clinton because he loves The Apprentice and wants to be on it. The good news is that he always supports the losing

Yeah, Four Months called and the Bernie Bros. aren’t voting for either of them.

I know one guy who’s voting for him just because he’s a fan of that show.

That’s what Bruce said today:

That’s the problem with the silent majority: they’re not silent enough.

They’re realizing that they no longer have a party that can win the White House. It only gets worse every four years, and their only way to influence the court is to prevent it from functioning properly.

That’s probably only because of things like McCain-Feingold, defending Kerry against swift boating, and telling off that bigoted woman who called Obama a “muslim”. Otherwise, he’s been pretty much a dick, especially the past 8 years, and let’s not forget that he started the ball rolling in turning politics into a

No way in hell Obama pulls the nomination. He genuinely believes in Garland and it’s his last chance to leave a mark on the court. And he knows Clinton, if she wins, will have 2 or 3 bites at the apple, anyway.

If he really wanted to take down Clinton and had damaging emails from her, he would have released them already before early voting started. The stuff he’s dumped so far is a big nothing, and even Matt Taibbi,no Clinton fan, at Rolling Stones said they actually make her look better.

I’m so glad Clinton just dropped $2 million in Arizona, even if it’s just to troll McCain.