
Trump is the first Ring Your Doorbell And Run candidate.

If they knew what was coming none of them would’ve signed on.

Allred got into an elevator I was on once, and I swear she could freeze Satan with her glare. The woman doesn’t fuck around, even when asking someone to push the Lobby button.

I can’t wait to find out, because he had his best people working on it. You won’t believe what they found in Hawaii.

Depends if people are ready for something new. I get a feeling Iger is right and this won’t do nearly as well as Force Awakens. It has a lot of the SW iconography, but doesn’t hit the same emotional buttons: the absence of JW music cues in this is notable. I think it’ll be a fine film, but don’t expect it to have the

Michelle’s bags are packed and has one foot out of the WH door. Obama even jokes about how much she wants out. Don’t think she’ll be wanting to move back in anytime soon.

Rudy can’t stand that he was supposed to be the guy - America’s Mayor -who came out of NY and became president, but it’s going to be Clinton.

Trump will never concede, at least not graciously and voluntarily. There will always be an insinuation, a wink wink, to his nuttiest base that it was stolen, even if he loses in a landslide.

Someone told me CNN had a poll where 16% of responders said the tape gave them a better opinion of Trump. Da fuck?

Because his 40% or so support base is rock solid and will stop him from sliding into electoral oblivion. But it’s not enough to help him win.

It knows what scares you.

“Unless...daylight savings needs me.”

Never broke her smile, and then capped it off with the “we’re just friends” arm pat. Beautiful.

Tiffany is probably as good as a Trump gets.

He can’t win a national election with his base alone. He needs to bring in independents and undecided, and these revelations are not helping. That’s the point.

Agree. CNN probably thinks they have some great scoop, but this is old news. It’s the freaking Howard Stern show, and, the Ivanka comment aside, most of this stuff he’s clearly being egged on by Stern.

It won’t come from Mark Burnett prods, that’s for sure. It’ll have to be someone who has a copy that they weren’t supposed to have, like an AV guy or someone in a post production house, or, yes, a producer who got a viewing tape to take home and never disposed of it.

I tend to think like you: Most will not vote, and those who do will convince themselves they’re voting for the Republican, or against the Democrat, not necessarily Trump.

Since everyone is trying to push Pence to the top of the ticket, its a good time to remember that he has reprehensible views, too.

I was hoping he’d clarify what ‘moved on her like a bitch” meant.