
Eh, Pence is as crazy and scary as Trump, just in different ways. His record wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny for one news cycle. That ticket is fucked.

Republicans stood on the sidelines or fully engaged in birtherism, so...pretty fucking slimy and greedy.

Trump hasn’t caught on yet that he’s Clinton’s best surrogate, has he?

What is the point of this article?

I think whether he drops out or not is irrelevant. They’re already on all 50 ballots, and the people voting for him who aren’t Libertarians (Bernie Bros.) are just doing it to fuck the Dems, and Clinton, specifically. I’m sure they couldn’t even tell you what either Johnson or Stein even stood on issues, nor do they

Eh- I wish that were true, but polling data clearly shows HRC doing worse when it’s a four way race than Trump. They may not be drawing a lot from her, but with so many states still a coin toss, it makes a lot of states unnecessary nail biters.

In most VP debates, the target is usually the top of the ticket. It would’ve been nice if some of this stuff was at leasts mentioned so it gets aired out and Pence discredited, but at the end of the day, neither of these guys, or that debate, is going to make much difference in the election.

I think Team Clinton made a decision that Pence wasn’t the target, and to keep the focus on Trump. That’s pretty much how it goes in most VP debates. I think the Biden - Ryan one was where a lot of Ryan’s policies got attacked, but even the Biden-Palin debate really stayed focus on the top of the tickets. As I said,

This is my favorite:

The hilarious part are people saying maybe Pence should be at the top of the ticket. Yeah, let’s litigate Pence’s record, not Trump’s: in favor of conversion therapy for gays, wants funerals for aborted fetuses the mother’s would pay for, doesn’t believe in climate change or evolution, doesn’t think smoking causes

So Trump not a fan of Pence’s “never heard of this Trump guy” act?

And if the few military families on my FB feed are any indication, they still can’t wait to vote for him. He really could kill someone on 5th Ave and it not matter to them.

Make America Great Again is really Make America 1950 Again.

If Trump had any success to balance out his losses like Buffett and Branson, it wouldn’t look so bad. Also, neither Buffett nor Branson are running for president based on the premise that their business acumen is flawless, not to mention with a history of calling out everyone for not paying the same taxes they’re not

Losing 916 mill in one year would make anyone look bad.

No, I think he’d rather lose the election than release his taxes. But this keeps the pressure up, and it gives Clinton ammo for the next debate.

My money is on Tiffany, the daughter who shall not be ignored.

Changing Trump voter’s minds isn’t the point. It’s the undecideds and anyone on the fence. His die hards alone only gets him to 40% max and that’s not enough to win the election.

The real story here is that he lost almost a billion dollars....investing in casinos.