
No, because, apparently, Hillary’s a bitch.

There was a rumor a couple of weeks ago that Weld was considering dropping out because it looked like they might throw the election to Trump. But that certainly doesn’t seem like its the case, so fuck these guys. They know exactly what they’re doing and who they’re helping elect. Jill Stein, too.

Just say Aragon and pump your fist.

As a former Green Party member (now Dem), I always tell 3rd partiers the same thing about starting out in local elections and doing the hard work in the off year to add to the conversation. Going for the presidency every four years knowing you’ll just play spoiler is trolling, and, at worst, dangerous. Of course,

And too smart to put up with this shit.

“President Trump, the Russians are on the move in the Balkans again...”

Clinton should’ve definitely brought up the whole “wanna bang Ivanka” thing.

Make America Sniffle Again.

The WTF look on the face of the guy to the far right is America.

I always felt that if she were to win, she’d have to be pushed across the finish line, and it seems to be playing out that way. Sadly.

Seriously, after you’ve found out someone’s a racist, how much lower can you go? Serial murderer? Child molester? Creed fan?

And most of this stuff is in public records, apparently. WTF, media? A year and a half and you decide to vet the guy?

Because any Bernie supporter who’s now voting Johnson is just doing it for shits and giggles, not policy. If you strapped them to a chair and went Marathon Man on their teeth, they couldn’t tell you what Johnson stood for, except maybe the pot thing. He is pretty much the anti-Bernie. The whole thing is a protest vote

Carl Bernstein said over the weekend that Bill Weld was considering dropping out if it looked like he might help Trump win. On the surface, that sounds like a great idea, but Johnson is already on all 50 ballots and anyone voting for him is just doing it as a protest vote, or to fuck the Democrats, or whatever. Even

What I always hear is the smug “You’re just saying all this stuff about Trump to scare me into voting for her”. And my response is , Yeah! It’s scary because it’s scary!

He’s an awful human being. He’s going to win, isn't he?

I think a lot of the blockbuster directors today seem to share that trait: The best use of their talents is in a crew position (Michael Bay = Great 2nd Unit director; Neil Blomkamp = visual effects designer; etc.) but the film directing has been devalued by studios and producers, reducing it to basically another crew

Um....Game of Thrones costs $10 million/episode, and that has freaking dire wolves and dragons in it.

She had a 66% approval rating when she left the State Dept. People don’t like her when she’s running for president. It carries more than a whiff of sexism.

I used to think that, too, but after seeing her nearly face plant on the sidewalk in front of the whole country, I’m guessing she can’t just win the debate, she needs Trump to lose it. I mean, she needs him to expose himself as utterly and completely unacceptable in the White House a hair trigger away from nuclear war.