
Rob makes a good point: This was the first big battle they’ve done that didn’t have some fantasy element to it. No wild fire, no giant anchor sweeping a wall. No WW getting killed by Long claw. I guess Wun Wun is the closest to a fantasy element. One of the most unforgettable shots for me was the crane shot over the

That would've been a great Indian Jones moment if Jon had just shrugged and told his archers to open fire.

I was hoping Sansa would bring out Ghost for a final curtain call. And meal.

Because Rickon is the Billy Carter of House Stark?

Anyone who says they thought the Hodor twist was predictable is full of shit.

I was on the edge of my seat during Jon’s long take, not necessarily because I thought he’d go down like a chump, but I was just waiting for the effect to show itself, as they tend to do in these long shots. But it held together really well.

Well, we know LF meets someone in the snow, as it was in the first trailer and we haven’t seen that scene yet. I still think LF may not get out of this season intact.

Seriously, its like people aren’t even watching the same show.

That was truly an amazing hour of television. I need to re-watch it later to get a better handle on it, but it hit everything I wanted. Great battle scenes aside, it handled Sansa’s rage oh-so well.

People didn’t complain when Tywin arrived in the nick of time at the Blackwater. I thought this last second arrival was actually executed really well because it was channeled through Sansa’s rage.

Actually, the statement says he was on his way to meet friends for rehearsals. Who rehearses at 1am on a Sunday morning? Weird.

And the Wall coming down and overrun by the WW. It’s gonna be epic.

Except that Maisie has said in an interview that Arya didn’t realize the FM were coming after her, and that’s why she was so cavalier in the street last week. This plays into her line last night to Jaqen that she can’t believe he wanted her killed. Of course, none of this lines up with her in the episode two weeks ago

I think the point was to show Arya struggling with her hate so much so that she becomes No One, but then fighting back to regain her identity when she realizes she’s a Stark, after all. But the show never really convinced us her identity was slipping away. I don’t think it was Maisie’s performance (she’s always

I didn’t like how they resolved the Arya stuff, either. It was just too...straightforward and everyone’s motivation is confusing, which, as a writer who’s gotten that note many a times, I know just comes down to bad, or first draft, writing. It’s a shame. I actually liked the build up to it. The rest of the episode, I

I liked most of it this season and last, but tonight was really disappointed. It just kinda went...nowhere. Just turned into a chase scene. And too many plot holes.

Pretty weak episode, imo. And I’ve loved this season, so far. I liked the BwB stuff and some of the material in the Riverrun, but nothing else really worked. The Arya was just...weak. And I wasn’t even looking for a huge crazy twist, but that just didn’t work, and it made her actions in previous episodes even more

Wow....he’s really into Daisy Ridley. This is the second interview where he’s singled her out as a reason he wants to keep doing Star Wars scores. The first time, he said something to the effect, “I really wanted to make Daisy Ridley’s theme special”. And I thought it was. A lovely melody.

Yeah, in the books, Dany is like 13, which obviously was not going to fly on television. It makes the whole Jorah lusting....well, you get the picture.

I thought it might’ve been Robyn, too, but he likely would’ve just given the letter to Littlefinger. I think the simple answer that it was Littlefinger is the correct one. Remember in S4, they made a point of Sansa telling him “I know what you want”, as if she knew she could manipulate him.